Honorable Member
Joined: Oct 20, 2020
Last seen: Mar 15, 2025
Topics: 30 / Replies: 304
RE: Cards of Truth Avasthas vs. Master Course

@tuyetv Thank you for this! It all makes sense now 🙂 After re-watching the video a few more times, I realize that I mistakenly thought Ernst was refe...

4 years ago
RE: Cards of Truth Avasthas vs. Master Course

@tuyetv Thank you for this! It totally makes sense now 🙂 I went back and rewatched the end of the video and realized I mistakenly thought Ernst was...

4 years ago
Replies: 4
Views: 1019
RE: Saturn starves Jupiter vs Saturn starves Venus

@ernst Does this include outer planet conjunctions as well? For example, I have Saturn conjunct Uranus in Sagittarius with Saturn in a neutral Avash...

4 years ago
RE: Lajitaadi Avashtas Master's Course - Sun - Finding your Kingdom

@scoobydoo that sounds like my dad's chart. Except he's got Mars, Mercury, Jupiter, and Sun all in Libra. All combust. He's a pretty jovial person, fo...

4 years ago
RE: Lajitaadi Avashtas Master's Course - Sun - Finding your Kingdom

@deepakmurali I'm not sure advisors can be of much help to me, as Amit stated above about Venus and counsellors. I'm starting to think I'm meant t...

4 years ago
RE: Lajitaadi Avashtas Master's Course - Sun - Finding your Kingdom

@mona It all goes down in the 2nd and 9th houses for me. A debilitated Graha is in Sushupti Avastha, or a sleeping/unconscious condition and so it...

4 years ago
RE: Lajitaadi Avashtas Master's Course - Sun - Finding your Kingdom

@mona That's great too 🙂 Unfortunately, my Sun is with Ketu so he only provides shame, starvation, and agitation to my poor Venus and Moon. Which is ...

4 years ago
RE: Lajitaadi Avashtas Master's Course - Sun - Finding your Kingdom

@deepakmurali In my personal experience, it helps if the Sun has some aspect from friendly planets too. In my case, my Libra Sun is delighted by my Mo...

4 years ago
RE: Six of Spades in "Going Against You" position

I just saw this quote by Ernst from my 6 of Spades notes. It's from the concrete and practical meaning video. -In a relationship, when one relations...

4 years ago
RE: Interplay of balaadi and other avasthas with lajjitaadi avasthas

@mona this isn't exactly what you're looking for, but this video by Corey from Eye of Veda helped me contemplate having a similar planet (exalted + de...

4 years ago
RE: No Hope for Starved Jupiter?

@mitryendra80 I've actually only watched the video on the Cards of Truth site. That one was pretty intense for me. So I don't quite have the heart to ...

4 years ago
RE: No Hope for Starved Jupiter?

If it makes you feel any better, I had a panic attack which quickly rolled into an existential crisis when I listened to the video about Mars being st...

4 years ago
RE: Six of Spades in "Going Against You" position

@rhiannon No worries! I also didn't know this until I came across the info from Ernst in one of his videos. I didn't realize there was a manual. Will ...

4 years ago
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