Last seen: Mar 16, 2025
Fun! I find deciphering card spreads fascinating! It's my understanding that the "Going For You" and the "Going Against You" cards are meant to be rea...
Yay! This is good news. I have alot of Mrita planets ????
The 7 of Diamonds is my 7 year progression card, so it gives me grey hairs in general Haha I think the King of Diamonds Saturn card can hold a connota...
@manisha Yup, good ol' Pluto in Scorpio. Around the time my illness started, transiting Uranus was directly opposite my Pluto and transiting Mercury w...
@manisha My sister gave me the idea to contact a nutritionist during a conversation we were having where I told her that due to my own research, I bel...
@manisha My sister gave me the idea to contact a nutritionist during a conversation we were having where I told her that due to my own research, I bel...
Just chiming in to say I'm part of the 'Mercury in the 3rd house in Scorpio' club as well! ???? Except mine is also conjunct Pluto. With Pluto at 8° a...
@manisha Definitely! Not to mention my Pluto 3♠️, it's been painful. But thankfully, I was able to connect with a holistic nutritionist yesterday and ...
@manisha Yes, that's something I've been doing recently and it has provided me with some hope and helped to temporarily ease my anxiety. However, I th...
Yes, I do feel quite alone with this. I believe it's a combination of feeling restricted and unsure of my next steps due to uncertainty from the outsi...
@tuannguyen Yes, I've seen the interpretation from the Medicine Cards book, but it doesn't quite resonate. I'm going to continue my reflections on the...
Hi Tuan, Thank you for your help! and the link to Karen's article. It's very insightful! I definitely need to do some more reflection and studying o...
I have the same feelings as Venkat about Astrology and feeling a loss of dignity about studying it and trying to practice it along with card reading, ...
@khan your question was answered in the text I provided ???? From my understanding, a full moon is benefic because it's Waxing. A new Moon is not vi...