Last seen: Mar 10, 2025
@mitryendra80 Okay, cool. Just wanted to make sure.
@mitryendra80 No, not that I'm aware of. But I think I misinterpreted your original post, because I actually initially noticed a huge change in the fo...
I'm on a Mac as well and also noticed the change. I assumed it was intentional though, so this is good to know.
@ernst Ahh okay, Thanks Ernst!
I believe a similar thing happened with Angelina Jolie and Brad Pitt...
Hi Ernst, Just to clarify, are you referring to the Fulfillment Strengths of the Planets cards course for the Ketu conjunct Sun video?
I discovered Ernst during the Jupiter in Sagittarius transit (2018-2019) which happened in my 4th house. That really was the transit of dreams because...
@jesper Hi Jesper, I can answer as someone who is studying the cards. I don't believe the alternate semi-fixed card is meant to be interpreted as the ...
@ernst Okay, I'm going to do some more digging on that. Thank you, Ernst 🙂
@ernst Hi Ernst, I'm looking at a chart of a person who was given a Venus name at birth but has been called a Moon name their entire life. In their ch...
I know someone with Ketu and the Moon in the 7th. They too have never been in a relationship or had sex either. It could be a Node thing.
@ernst Thank you. Could one say they have a talent for perseverance as well?
@ernst Hi Ernst, If a person has Saturn and Uranus in the 2nd house from the Pada (which has only Neptune in it), what kind of skills would that denot...
@mitryendra80 This is interesting. I've heard of the Sun representing the skeletal system, bones, and immunity in Vedic astrology. Is there a specific...
@mitryendra80 I've got Pluto in my 3rd house conjunct Mercury. An exercise routine suits me. I prefer going on hikes to cardio though. Interval traini...