Honorable Member
Joined: Oct 20, 2020
Last seen: Mar 10, 2025
Topics: 30 / Replies: 302
RE: Change In Website Appearance

@mitryendra80 Okay, cool. Just wanted to make sure.

3 years ago
RE: Change In Website Appearance

@mitryendra80 No, not that I'm aware of. But I think I misinterpreted your original post, because I actually initially noticed a huge change in the fo...

3 years ago
RE: Change In Website Appearance

I'm on a Mac as well and also noticed the change. I assumed it was intentional though, so this is good to know.

3 years ago
RE: Sun-Earth Axis

@ernst Ahh okay, Thanks Ernst!

3 years ago
RE: What is a marriage?

I believe a similar thing happened with Angelina Jolie and Brad Pitt...

3 years ago
RE: Sun-Earth Axis

Hi Ernst, Just to clarify, are you referring to the Fulfillment Strengths of the Planets cards course for the Ketu conjunct Sun video?

3 years ago
RE: Progress studying Ernst's Courses--Reflection and Survey

I discovered Ernst during the Jupiter in Sagittarius transit (2018-2019) which happened in my 4th house. That really was the transit of dreams because...

3 years ago
RE: The alternating semi fixed cards

@jesper Hi Jesper, I can answer as someone who is studying the cards. I don't believe the alternate semi-fixed card is meant to be interpreted as the ...

3 years ago
RE: Sanskrit Syllables Of The Rashis

@ernst Okay, I'm going to do some more digging on that. Thank you, Ernst 🙂

3 years ago
RE: Sanskrit Syllables Of The Rashis

@ernst Hi Ernst, I'm looking at a chart of a person who was given a Venus name at birth but has been called a Moon name their entire life. In their ch...

3 years ago
RE: Rahu in 7th house

I know someone with Ketu and the Moon in the 7th. They too have never been in a relationship or had sex either. It could be a Node thing.

3 years ago
RE: Career and Skills

@ernst Thank you. Could one say they have a talent for perseverance as well?

3 years ago
RE: Career and Skills

@ernst Hi Ernst, If a person has Saturn and Uranus in the 2nd house from the Pada (which has only Neptune in it), what kind of skills would that denot...

3 years ago
RE: Exercise based on planetary strengths

@mitryendra80 This is interesting. I've heard of the Sun representing the skeletal system, bones, and immunity in Vedic astrology. Is there a specific...

3 years ago
RE: Exercise based on planetary strengths

@mitryendra80 I've got Pluto in my 3rd house conjunct Mercury. An exercise routine suits me. I prefer going on hikes to cardio though. Interval traini...

3 years ago
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