Last seen: Mar 11, 2025
@meyes Actually, by night time, it pretty much felt erased from my memory, as if it never happened in the first place. I've noticed this happens to me...
It's funny that you use this phrase because it's actually a line that gets repeated throughout the book... "Muss es sein? Es muss sein!" (Must it be? ...
@mitryendra80 That's fascinating. I met a developer, years ago, who told me that everywhere they went, they saw the world as an object (javascript). I...
@meyes Alice Munro; She is a short fiction novelist that has won many awards. There was another author before that, Milan Kundera, where I actually gu...
This happened to me recently with an author I was reading. I kept thinking that this person must be a 7 of Spades due to the reoccurring themes of the...
All of the planets within my chart are in argala counting from the Lagna and the 7th, except for the planet in my 1st house. There are no blocks. I fe...
When we examine these things from the Svamsa, should we be counting forward?
@ernst I see. Thanks Ernst!
@francesca Okay, good to know. Thanks for the info!
@ernst Does this mean than, for example, Rahu in Aries gives the results of a debilitated Saturn?
Okay, thanks @ernst At first I thought you might actually be referring to the will centre, which is the little triangle to the right of the G centre...
Are these yogas meant to be read from the D1 only?
I've heard 8th from the Sun being described as a bright Moon by Laura Barat and Corey Dowds. But I'm curious to learn Ernst' take on this as well.