Last seen: May 13, 2024
@quasar259 Actually I think the latter advice, not to hold on to it firmly, goes for anything of this kind. Often when people have experiences with ay...
Short version of what I´ve just been writing: Your underlying problem seems to be stress and wanting to carry too much. That´s what triggers your Svam...
... and then we have the Cards of Truth, are you familiar with them? If your birth time is correct, you are a 10 of Diamonds (but if you were born j...
It´s painful to hear about your experiences. Have you considered joining a 12-steps-program? There is a tradition called Neurotics Anonymous for peopl...
I´d say both.Mattias
It seems to a good analysis to me. And yes, for sure, walking barefoot is a powerful medicine!Mattias
@mitryendra80 In that context maybe it´s worth thinking about the importance of balance in Native American spirituality. And duality. The demons are n...
And in this story Coyote acts as a medicine man, introducing the sweat lodge to the people: Mattias
Interesting! I definitely agree about the Rahu/coyote connection, Rahu is a trickster and so is the coyote. Many people think as you do that coyote ...
@ernst Wow, that´s deep. And being a follower is of course very receptive, so it´s really a measure of our female capacity.Thank you Ernst, I´m gonna ...
I´ll add a question to yours, I hope it´s OK: @ernst; This reminds me about the difference between our male and female side; femininity is more about ...
@ernst Thank you! With a Saturn/Moon conjunction in my Navamsha I need all encouragement I can get when it comes to longterm relationships! 🙂 But ...
I´m revisiting the "timing" videos right now. And it looks so convincing when you relate the EC to the Xth cusp. I guess we should look for both those...