Last seen: May 13, 2024
Mercury and Venus, yes. But the Saturn connection I don´t see. 3rd for skill, 5th for creativity and clients, but more important than that: 7th cusp f...
@the_reckoner Magic!
@werner I agree, I´m just very visual and can´t get that image of people celebrating the Sun solstice almost three weeks after the astronomical event ...
(After watching the second video of the Axis course.) The concept Sun/Earth Shadow reminds me about healing through self knowledgement, like in a 12...
@mitryendra80 That´s kind of cool. From an astrological point of view I mean. Mattias
@mitryendra80 Maybe time to change skin within that relationship? (If it exists.) Just an idea... Mattias
@leela I´m sorry Leela, I just think we are on very different pages. What you say describes exactly my feelings regarding your communicational style.I...
The left hand is the recieving hand. So it should have something to do with your receptivity. Maybe you are blocking abundance because of lack of rece...
Why would sidereal be correct? I can´t see that you are giving any reasons. Because someone says so is not a reason, of course. To me sidereal is a ...
@ernst ???? Mattias
Yes, we understand. Please go easy on yourself! Breath...! Babysteps. Take your time, know that you are going through a transforming and in the ...
@quasar259 I mean that often our task is to focus on our goals, taking care of the practical things mostly. And relations, of course. Meanwhile spirit...