Last seen: May 6, 2024
I think you are correct. Saturn can be in Ithasala yoga with another planet, in its own right so to speak. But it can also create a Manahoo yoga with ...
This question has been raised before on the forum. It's indeed very common for the AK for be either Mrita or Bala, etc... If I recall correctly, Ernst...
@angela-w I have Rahu/Neptune in my 4th in Sagittarius. Maybe that explains why I don’t like swimming at the surface. But I love going underwater (eve...
I'm uncomfortable swimming in a lake or in an ocean (surface swimming) but very very comfortable scuba diving, I feel like I enter a different world, ...
@scoobydoo oh yes, absolutely! very receptive to that.
My kid has a Me/Sa conjunction and he likes straight to the point communication. I must say it once, if I dare repeating, fiery eyes. And vice versa, ...
I have Mars/Venus conjunction and I can relate to the "going after what I want" Ernst mentioned. Problem with me is knowing what I want ????(probably ...
@meyes In that case, delete the post and problem solved! 😉
Did you share the person's name or give out any information that would lead anyone to identify him/her? Personally, I would only show the chart but wi...
@amit Thanks for sharing. I've never personally consulted an astrologer from India (the sidereal astrologers I was referring to are North American) bu...
While tropical has always been spot on with my chart, it's the Ketu/Rahu placement in signs that sold it for me without a single doubt and I never loo...
@ltmoon Virgo’s my ascendant and my Moon’s in there so, even though I don’t have Venus there, I get the perfection component! I have a waning (almost ...
@scoobydoo My husband has Ketu in his Aries ascendant so he's your typical "I'm the master of my own destiny" and "personal development work doesn't a...
@gwindor yes, hubby likes some heavy duty yard work for example but, like you said, a hopeless child when it comes to precise work 🙂 He also has a go...
My husband has Venus in Virgo (but it’s not his AK). What I’ve noticed the most is lack of manual dexterity. He can handle some big repairs (more or l...