Last seen: Mar 11, 2025
I personally would refer to the LA masters course - Moon starving Venus. Essentially Moon is looking for happiness and fulfillment of its needs in the...
@geminid1st just fyi the conjunction of Saturn and Uranus was taking place throughout 1988 as well. I was born in March 1988 and also have this conju...
@tuyetv On a general note, when the yoga is so powerful - involving three planets - I wonder if there is any aspect from an evil lord that can truly s...
Isn't that a Raj yoga - Sun+Mercury+Venus for a Virgo lagna?
@tuyetv the Universe decided we had enough on our plates as it is 🤭
@staffan I only began studying Vedic Astrology several months ago, so I haven't learned about remedies just yet. But I can share a few practical tips ...
@tuyetv since this is about psychology and inner experience, do you use planetary aspects rather than rasi aspects?
I think a weak Mercury is very troublesome indeed. As it's the earth element, it can make all aspects of living/succeeding here on Earth much more cha...
@tuyetv yes, that must be it 😊
@tuyetv Interesting, I have Moon in the 1st, Venus in the 10th, and Rahu (with Mercury) in the 8th, yet Kala doesn't detect this yoga in the Mental Il...
@ernst Yeah, makes total sense. Thank you.
I haven't had my Rahu dasa yet, but I have experienced Ve/Ra - it did lead to a big separation, but ultimately for the greatest good. I'm grateful for...
Happy Teachers' Day! We're very lucky to have you 🌻