Active Member
Joined: May 6, 2017
Last seen: Apr 19, 2021
Last seen: Apr 19, 2021
RE: Nerve issues from a freak animal attack
I would classify this as nerve disease due to trauma, so focus on identifying the trauma astrologically (rather than the nerve imbalance). Yes, you ca...
5 years ago
RE: Reading reversed cards
From Ernst's manual "Reading The Little Book": REVERSED CARDS Many readers read cards differently if they fall upside down, or in revers...
5 years ago
RE: Hi Ernst and all !
@talia at the top of each forum/thread you can click "subscribe for new replies" and you will get email notifications
5 years ago
RE: What is the evolutionary purpose of retrograde Venus?
People are always getting very concerned about any retrograde transit. Retrograde is misunderstood and popularly promoted as "troublesome". It is only...
5 years ago
RE: Pregnancy diabetes?
Gestational diabetes can be a temporary condition, but it can also lead to long-term diabetes and other imbalances (for mother or child). The etiology...
5 years ago