Last seen: Jan 27, 2025
@ernst Have you found to have Sa in the 2nd or 12th from the Mo (Lunar Yoga) to at all bring depression/psychological imbalance? I have heard other...
@staffan I am 32. Would you say J of Spades is a very humorous card? My humor side really kicked in when my Me matured....When young and youthful, ...
@kam From the practical Cards meaning from Ernst for J of Spades for my Sun Card asc: medical student, spying youth, thief (briefly as a teen), you...
@staffan I have tried to dedicate myself to the cards twice in the last year or year and a half. Both times felt guided to leave it...Just to focus...
I don't know much about the cards as I havn't really tuned into them too deeply. I am a 2D birth card which has me with a J of Spades for my Sun ca...
Jupiter is prayer as a general karaka. But the 5th house is a house of spiritual practice/expression/magic. So, having your Mars there would inevitabl...
Lately I have been experimenting with Parivritti vargas for the D2 and D4 for wealth. It has been showing promise, but I need to do A LOT more researc...
@staffan Ketu can certainly be a spiritual oriented planet and so yes, spiritual or mystical therapies. I think Rahu for anything magical related o...
@staffan Mars would be exercise. Acupuncture. chiropractic along with Ve. Me for grounding. Also Pisces. Me I think for nutritional supplemen...
@staffan I was given a yellow sapphire ring of a 3.6 carat sapphire. I definitely feel its rejuvenating effects on me as I am Leo Lagna. The gold r...
Thanks, Andra, for sharing your chart. It is an interesting case. Everyone has provided great takes on it.
@staffan Have you had good luck with using gemstones for astro remedies?
@staffan THanks. Yes, I need an editor....Weak shadbala Me....
@amit It is an interesting method, that is for sure. I have just found it difficult to look at a chart and try to see how spiritually advanced some...