Last seen: Mar 12, 2025
From Ernst's recent Facebook post: "If Mars should obstruct the Moon's orb, it would cause troubles for six months to kings who have mobilized...
Look at the avasthas of its lord and the avasthas of planets in the signs that the planet with no avasthas rules. That will have a say.
@suzanstars Ernst told me to not use them and Use the 'traditional' aspects. He has it for research purposes in Kala.
Well, as you know, we have to look at the chart as a whole. It would be interesting to see what else is in there. I know someone with sun/mars conjunc...
@ernst lol 🤣
@ernst Have you found to have Sa in the 2nd or 12th from the Mo (Lunar Yoga) to at all bring depression/psychological imbalance? I have heard other...
@staffan I am 32. Would you say J of Spades is a very humorous card? My humor side really kicked in when my Me matured....When young and youthful, ...
@kam From the practical Cards meaning from Ernst for J of Spades for my Sun Card asc: medical student, spying youth, thief (briefly as a teen), you...
@staffan I have tried to dedicate myself to the cards twice in the last year or year and a half. Both times felt guided to leave it...Just to focus...
I don't know much about the cards as I havn't really tuned into them too deeply. I am a 2D birth card which has me with a J of Spades for my Sun ca...
Jupiter is prayer as a general karaka. But the 5th house is a house of spiritual practice/expression/magic. So, having your Mars there would inevitabl...
Lately I have been experimenting with Parivritti vargas for the D2 and D4 for wealth. It has been showing promise, but I need to do A LOT more researc...
@staffan Ketu can certainly be a spiritual oriented planet and so yes, spiritual or mystical therapies. I think Rahu for anything magical related o...