@ernst Thank you very much for your guidance, Professor. I believe I am nearing the end of my queries, having received mostly comprehensive answers from you. However, I previously encountered some confusion regarding chart confirmation, and I would like to confirm three final to ensure there are no misunderstandings like last time. These three charts will serve as the foundation.
These three charts are Homosexual Charts;
Based on the chart, can we say that there's are lot of factors pointing towards possible homosexuality and both persons had a good chance of being gay?
Additionally, I have one more chart where the sexuality of the individual is unknown to me. This is an older, random chart. This chart has many factors along with angular aspects, value, and orb, but there is nothing besides Rahu that is closer to the 7th house which would change the mind. So, would we say that this chart is not likely to indicate homosexuality, or would you consider that the chart person had a good chance of being gay considering there are lot of factors?
Additional chart: https://ibb.co/ccQ2hYS4
Thank you immensely for all your assistance, Professor. This confirmation may be the last I need before progressing independently in my studies, unless further clarification becomes necessary.