Low Dig Bala - How ...
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Low Dig Bala - How bad is it?

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That's wonderful that your Moon is doing so well 🙂 

I feel it on the 11th house thing. I have a waning Moon in there along with a Saturn aspect so I'm no stranger to breaking up from friendships. All for the positive -- sometimes we don't want to keep people around that we no longer have synergy with. 

Ah yes, the communication part makes a lot of sense. Thanks for bringing up that example. 

Is your Mercury receiving any malefic aspect? How's it doing in Lajjitaadi avasthas? 

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I have found people with all planets with low digbala to have a delay in their life path. Meaning, they tend take more time to get on track to where they need to go or where they feel is purposeful for them.

I have also found that if a chart has some serious psychological blemishes plus no planet having a good dig bala score, (50 or more dig bala points) then it is another blemish to the overall chart. 

I have seen people in certain cases be quite unsure on how to proceed or very lost. 





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@scott-m-19 You can count in me... Although my Moon is in the 4th, the cusp falls in the third and it only gets 40 points. That´s my best planet. And I agree, it´s a miracle that I´m alive. Low motivation and great risks. For 25 years what kept me motivated was that I had to keep going for the sake of my kids. I did a pretty good job, but I was miserable most of the time.

Now, it´s another story, God´s grace works in my life. But my Low DigBala Mercury is still lying in front of me like a block of stone that I have to overcome.


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@nkan @scott-m-19 @marianela @quasar259 @curioussoul @kannessa-chan

Having pondered on this, I´ve come to the conclusion that having a Mercury in good dignity but with low Dig Bala is a bit like a Cinderella experience. You have the king or queen quality, but you don´t realize it and therefore don´t apply it. Or you act out of over compensation, doing the right thing but without faith. Or it´s like being Harry Potter, with all his potential, living with the Dursleys. How you handle it depends on your other planets. In my case a fairly bad Mars and Sa/Ra in the 11th hasn´t been exactly helpful. A good Moon in the 4th and a good Venus in the 9th has helped me out though.

But all the frustration starts with the low DigBala Mercury, that is what has to be fixed to begin with. If it´s not allowed to produce frustration, there is no reason for Mars to step in etc.


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@staffan I'm relatively new to astrology and haven't done my research on people with low mercury dig bala yet, however, talking from my own experience, even if in good dignity (my mecury is combust though so it makes it really worse), mercury with low dig bala definitely can cause some problems. For example, I always knew that I have some skills, but I had hard time finding out how to put them into use. I had so many trials and errors... It's crazy. Having faith, though, I believe it's a Jupiter thing. What I love about avashtas, when you learn about them and you know your strengths and weaknesses, you at least know on what you need to work on : )

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@kannessa-chan Yep, just like that: Having the capacity but not realizing that you ave them, or how to use it. Like being - at least if Mercury is really good - Harry Potter but living under the stairs with the the Dursley family.

The Lajjitaadi avasthas yes! But this is similar, and that´s why I brought it up.


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@staffan Since Venus is in the 9th and Dig Bala is ruled by Venus and Vimsamsa is water element, I wonder where and what is with Mercury in the D20.  Could you devote yourself to a deity/path/energy/philosophy/activity/etc. that can increase Mercurial energy through a Venusian pathway?

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December 13 1968, 15.44, Växjö (Kronoberg), Sweden

Mercury is in a Friends sign, Sag, 10th house.

I kind of do what you are saying; I have an altar and spend at least one day every day chanting and praying with tobacco (Maya tradition). Two days a week it´s several hours. Also sacrificing candles. And indeed, apart from my relation to my very wise and spiritual wife - and caring - it´s really what gives meaning to my life. Providing to the kids and caring for them used to be that other factor for many years.



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Is there any remedy for low dig bala that has worked in anyone's experience?

I remember, Ernst said in one of the threads that Dig Bala is solvable since it is the air element, AND air is what changes. 


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@jam1 Wow, that´s interesting. I hope you are right but I wonder: are you sure you are not referring to the Lajjitaadhi avasthas? Because as I remember it he says that about them, and also - I might be wrong - that they are like the only thing that you can change in a chart.

I generally believe that most things are up to discussion after the planets maturation though. Change is never easy, but possible. And spiritual practices can do wonder. That´s my belief.


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Yeah, I believe too spiritual practices are the best healer if we find the right practice for us and stick to it with devotion.

For dig bala, I had similar questions, as I have all planets with <100% required dig bala. 

Here's the post: "Improving Dig-bala of parents – Saturn and Sun – PAC in Astrology – Studying Kala (astrology-videos.com)"

"What can be changed is always air, so yes, we can work on dig. TO do so requires us to simply understand what its meant to do and what low dig means - it means not moving healthily between yin and yang. Will be discussed later in the course.


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@jam1 That´s great news for me. 🙂 Generally low Dig Bala, no planet reaches 100 %, not even my Moon in the 4th... (The cusp is in the 3rd...)


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@staffan In the Shadbala course this yin to yang I believe is described in the form of shifting from Chesta to Uccha.  Shifting from one state to another, such as kapha to pitta is a Vata experience and vata is ruled by air element and air is ruled by Saturn.  

My notes say that dig bala comes under the purview of Venus due to the result of directing one's consciousness toward the needs of the planet and doing this produces fulfillment of the planet.  Yet the process of doing that is the shifting from Chesta to Uccha which is air.

the remedy I have is to purposely shift our minds toward the planet when that planet's indications are active and we have a tendency to ignore or reject due to the low dig bala habit. 

Thanks for providing your chart @staffan, it's interesting to see you have all planets (+Lg) in male signs and only Moon in a female sign of Earth, Virgo.  Water seems to be lacking however in your D20 Moon is in Pisces.  Does this equate devoting yourself to the divine feminine brings transcendental water qualaties that can balance the heavy male orientation of your chart?

From my side I see Sun in the seventh and a DB Saturn with rahu as the greatest stressors.  Sun is also a sacrificer and sacrifices planets conjunct it in order to spiritualize the planet.  Your lagna lord with the Sun in the seventh seems to me that you (Lg) are being sacrificed and the DB Saturn is giving a low threshold for the pain of the experience.  This seems to have past life indications with lord of Sun, Mercury and 7th, Jupiter being with Ketu.  This would lead to advocating a sort of karma yogi attitude with respect to these issues and increasing the water/feminine.

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@quasar259 That, I believe, is a very accurate and quite profound reading, I say thank you and congratulate you.

Of course you could add a generally low DigBala and specially low Dig for Mercury, which I think explains a great deal of my aspergers... Plus shaming in the 5th. My guess is that having a good Moon and both the Moon and Lg in Vargottama, plus a decent Venus in the 9th have been what have saved me.

With that said. Karma yoga, yes. I can´t tell many details, but very unwillingly I have been designated to work as a healer. Unwillingly because of my aspergers that makes it stressful to work with people. I haven´t chosen the task, the task has chosen me, but it´s a bit uncomfortable to talk about it. I would probably not believe anyone saying such a thing myself, so... Not quite ready for my task yet though, still going through a necessary healing process. Oh, maybe my photography can give a hint of my "Karma yogic" attitude towards people, that I do believe that I have: www.instagram.com/mattiassigurdsson 

Water: Yes, my need for water, even physically, need for taking baths in the ocean or in rivers, has been pointed out by my spiritual guide. I don´t know if my wonderful wife counts in the context of water? She's something extra and my saving grace; when I met her three years ago my only plan for the rest of my life was to take my card deck with me and disappear in some big city and face a life as a homeless, as many aspergers do. Or start an astrology school in some favela in South America... Not until my job completely dried up though, which hasn´t happened until lately. My wife is the one preparing me for another phase in life you could say. I´m oddly confident, but then there are some peculiar circumstances around it that I can´t speak much about. Like healing through chanting, praying with tobacco.. It´s a world that is easily misunderstood, so I prefer not talking much about it. But it´s all gonna be fine. Now, I´m not sure if "wife" counts as "water"... ? 

Of course I´m dealing with a lot of piled up bad karma from previous lifetimes. I very much feel that I have that extra protection though; if you are into the cards it could be the saving grace of 5 of Spades on the 5th position, or perhaps it could be my double Vargottama. Even though my trust in life is low I´ve always had a very strong and natural faith in God, deeply rooted in my childhood and my relationship with my grandmothers and my first /also female / school teacher. (GK Venus in the 9th...?) I believe that when we hesitate and don´t grab an opportunity for growth in one lifetime, the same soup will be served next time we are back on earth, only that it´s now cold. The third time it´s both cold and moldy.... I don´t go away until we eat it, and I have just hesitated to eat my soup for too many lifetimes.  In this lifetime they decided to let me be chased by a jaguar, so that I have to take that 40 feet leep into the water whether I want it or not... But God´s saving grace is in some way always there. Do I explain myself?


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@staffan Very well said and it adds a lot of nuance to the chart.  I resound with what you say about the consequences of not eating the soup and having to have your dish served cold.  It's also beautiful your journey from desperation to a sense of confidence is connected to healing.

The wife is definitely water, since wife is in general ruled by Venus.  Quite fun to see all those planets in Scorpio (including DK) in your D9 along with Ketu and then Mars in Aries.  Seems like at the bottom of the well (Have to work for it - conjunct 6th house cusp) you find the fire in the water, which can not be comprehended by the rational mind alone and that experience gives the realization of equanimity (Mercury) between male/female, fire/water and restores the balance from past lives (Ke+Ju in Libra).

EX Venus in the D10 and Saturn in the eighth then 10th cusp lord moon with mercury in 6th from D10 Lg has healing connotations.  It's a bit ironic but the fact that you didn't chose it makes it trustworthy because you're in Saturn dasa and your karma is calling the shots.  The fact that you're brave enough to bring all this into your conscious awareness and work with it is a testament that higher forces are at work.  There is a saying in the buddhist tradition, "when the essence of devotion is obtained, realization naturally dawns", a very watery scorpionic + Venus in Pisces statement!

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@quasar259 This will be food for thought for a while, very helpful, thank you Quasar.

Another metaphore in stead of the soup: In some lifetime we are urged to jump from a reasonable height, but we refuse to do it. In the next lifetime we find ourselves standing there in the same situation, but now from a more scaring height. We refuse. Next lifetime: even higher. Until we finally stand there in front of what has become a really scary jump, and now they unleash a jaguar that sneaks around in a shadow forcing us to hopefully do the jump, that has now become really scary. But I believe that when we finally do jump, there will be a fantastic feeling of liberty and relief...

A couple of more observations: Saturn is with my AK Moon in the D9. Exalted. Saturn joining the AK in the D-9 is a sign of greatness I´ve read somewhere, so that´s another helping factor.

Also the fact that I have Venus in my 9th house in the Rasi chart, ruling my potent 5th house. Many of my spiritual guides have been women, most importantly - aside from my wife, who as I said is on a high spiritual level - a woman that guided me in a personal way for 10 years, through a very turbulent time in which I went through a tough divorce in a foreign country and struggled in court for the custody of my daugther. As I said it´s also my GK /corrected, it said DK in an earlier version /, so my grandmothers and a paternal uncle have been important guides for me.

I guess that the fact that my Moon is very healthy and in a female sign, makes up to I high degree for the fact that all the other planets are in masculine signs. And again: the fact that it´s Vargottama and joined by Saturn in the D-9.

My Scorpio in D-6, yeah, tell me about it... In every spiritual circle I have finished clashing with many of the leaders, and I can honestly say that it hasn´t gone well for most of them. To my experience, when you chose to be a healer or guru and aren´t appointed for the task by the spirits, they give you the authority and the instruments for a few years, but then they - I´m referring to the spirits - come back and check you out. If they then find that you are acting out of your ego, they will take it away from it. Something will happen that makes you stumble, and I believe I have been the stone that many of them have fallen over. May aspergers make me seem a little silly, not in a threat in any way, but my presence tend to make them nervous and they start to make mistakes out of their arrogance. The list is long, I really have some quite powerful enemies out there. Be my guest, I say to that, although I have to start to be more careful now that I will start to recieve people myself. A bad rep would not be helpful, the people that come to us - to my wife and me - has to feel that we are trustworthy.

What you say about choosing yourself for healing/leading tasks; just as you say, you can´t choose yourself. It´s just like in the politics: the person that wants to become a president is not suitable for that task. It´s the guy - or woman - who hides away in the forest and has to be forced into the office by a gun pointing at them that is the most suitable, I believe. I can honestly say that my attitude towards this task has been more or less like that. "Just let me do the praying and chanting, and let Lupita (my wife) deal with the people." Nope. OK, then count on me. But I´m not ready yet.


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With that said: I´m not sure whether we should use the normal D-10 calculation or the Parivritti calculation. In the latter my Venus is DB...


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@staffan yeah, I was using the normal calculation and since healing was coming on as a sort of profession and work in the world and you're in Saturn dasa and Saturn is focal planet in D10, I though it should be impactful.

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@quasar259 Saturn is EX according to both calculations. So yes. Also conjoint the Moon in D9. As bad my Saturn is in my Rasi chart it´s still the planet that is helping me out of my conundrum, it seems.


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