Hi everybody,
I have this combination in my chart that has been a bit confusing to me, as any Rahu issue may be.
I know the Rahu-Venus conjunction indicates a lack of experience and difficulty in having healthy relationships, which is something I have struggled with in the past. On the other hand, I have Ketu in the 7th, which is also an air sign [aquarius]. Both these Ketu characteristics [7th house and air sign] mean I have past life experience and a security paradigm of interacting with others and partnering up, which means quite the opposite of Rahu-Venus. I know both nodes give me a strong interest in relationships, which is very much the case, but I don´t really understand how this can be expressed in life, with each node pulling towards something different.
Another way to see this is that the Rahu-Ketu journey [moving away from one node to embrace the other] seems like this funny paradox of moving away from relationships to embrace… relationships [without ignoring the fact that the first house Leo Rahu also makes me work in myself, my kingdom and my inspirations].
I understand Ketu in the 7th house tends to make people marry early in life, while the Rahu-Venus conjunction does the opposite. So, this is the kind of weird and apparently contradicting tendencies I would like to understand more about. Any insights on ways to interpret this combination and possible approaches to dealing with it are most welcome, and if anyone has come across an example similar to this I would be grateful to hear your thoughts about it.
This is a general discussion about 1/7 Axis. I have 1/7 Axis but i don't have Rahu Venus - I have Rahu in Cancer 1st and Ketu in Capricorn 7th. 1st house is self and 7th house is others, partners so this reeks relationship. We are talking about relationship in general here and not just romantic relationship. My understanding this axis is tough on relationship, and i find it to be true. I am always around people (Ketu in 7th) and to find that balance mentally (Rahu is in water sign) I really need to be away from people to recharge. I don't dislike being around people, and but they drain my energy.
I need to be comfortable with myself/ by myself before i can find happiness with another person. This is an important point because Ketu in the 7th tend to think "if I have someone with me life will be fine". If I sacrifice being my true self just to have someone, then the relationship will not last. That is not what a relationship is all about. A healthy partnership is when you have two people who are living their lives independently and they come together to support each other. They energize each other.
That Rahu in the first house is to learn to be comfortable by myself. I don't have to be in a relationship to be happy. I can find happiness through volunteering, teaching, hobbies ect... Once that Rahu house is set if a partner comes in my life, going back to Ketu to have a relationship will be much healthier in the long run...It is a constant balance between self and partner.
You will find in a chart sometime things contradict each other so you really have to analyze the dignity, avasthas, aspects of the planets along with nodes to draw an educated conclusion. Certain aspect of your life (vargas) some things are great but other vargas, things are not so great. The same planet conjunctions that gave you great success in work life might be terrible for personal life...
Other people with 1/7 and Rahu Venus please feel free to jump in...
I have Rahu-Jupiter, so in a way I can understand the Rahu-Venus conjunction. We become conscious about any planets with Rahu slowly, one step at a time. So, what we are attracted in a person is only an aspect of that Rahu conjunct planet, that we are becoming conscious of. Since it was triggered by someone else, we see the other person as the attractive part that we are trying to make our own, but we do not see that attractive part as already being within ourselves.
Ketu in Aquarius is comfortable with being part of a group, and their individuality is submerged in the group. With Rahu in Leo, they are learning to find out who they are as an individual. Since it is a learning process, they experience a feeling of insecurity, which is something they don’t feel when being part of a group. If they try to continue finding security within a group, it shows up as arrogance when dealing with others outside the group.
With Venus there, they are learning about what a relationship means to them and what they would like to have in a relationship. But, more importantly, they are building a relationship with themselves as an individual, which will then reflect with the people they associate with or become part of.
Leo is the natural 5th house, so there is a pull to being creative. Being creative means being original. Nothing is really original, but it is to the person who is being creative. One can be original or creative within a group, but only when their identity is not tied to being part of the group.
One of my favourite art movie director has Rahu-Venus in Leo, along with a bunch of other planets. It is interesting seeing how it played out in his life. A great filmmaker and way ahead of his times, but he tied his success and failure with the public’s opinion. His last film flopped at the box office and he lost a lot of money, but worse he lost confidence in himself and never officially directed another movie again. After his death, that same movie was acknowledged as one of the best films of all times, has a huge cult following, and is part of the syllabus in many film schools. Go figure!!! I wonder how many more wonderful things this man would have come up with if only he had understood more about himself!
I know someone who has Venus in Leo, and it is a wonder to watch his love for himself translate to people catering for him! But there is also a tendency towards arrogance, which has caused this person a lot of grievances.
O my goodness, let's see ketu in the 7th rahu first? If it is in late degrees then it will be easier a bit almost done especially in your 7 yr dasha period.You are in a serious mission with this cardinal axis. Ketu very intense and rahu it's like a beautiful baby discovering every step of yourself. Very special unique. To survive this placement is to Learn to let go of best friends, or partners, bad habits or sibling and father issues who bring the worst in you, if you are manipulated by others. Dare yourself to be different. Philosophy teachings from experience may help. No short cuts or blaming others, and try to ketch yourself of being from any false statements, honesty grounding is the key .Try to feel it , if it is the righteous indignation every action you decide to make and the benefit to you and to others also. It's like this is what you need or you waned because others have it. Talented indeed for the rightcause .Because the The incrowd people will smash your idea's Try to innovate ???? instead. Don't be afraid to be different it will pay off one's you figure it out what are you capable of. And in cancer ♋️ well finishing past karma. That's an other story. All this influence for everyone is like a boxed ???? mirror ???? inside and you are in it,and you can see all those people around you who you meet in this life time every single one of them .and the you look down, and you look around again you will see only yourself who you become..see truly if you like what you ???? see. That's all I've got. Many blessings ???? ???? ❤️
I understand Ketu in the 7th house tends to make people marry early in life, while the Rahu-Venus conjunction does the opposite. So, this is the kind of weird and apparently contradicting tendencies I would like to understand more about. Any insights on ways to interpret this combination and possible approaches to dealing with it are most welcome, and if anyone has come across an example similar to this I would be grateful to hear your thoughts about it.
Why do you feel that Ketu in the 7th house indicates early marriage? For marriage timing I wouldn't look at Rahu/Ketu so much; better to look at the traditional karakas for marriage (Jupiter or Venus depending on your gender, sexual orientation etc.), quality of the 7th house and its lord as well as the navamsha chart.
In terms of marriage indications, we must also consider the cultural context of ancient India. Marriage was first and foremost a partnership in that culture, not unlike a business partnership. The goal was to work with your marriage partner to have children and raise the station of your family. That is why the 7th house is not just about marriage but also all 1v1 partnerships like business, contests in court (also indicated by the 6th house), important 1v1 rivalries and even 1v1 enmities of significance.
You weren't expected to necessarily like the person you married, or find your soulmate in the way we use that term these days. You were expected to learn to live harmoniously with that person.
However, in ancient India, unlike today, you had no choice over your marriage partner and there was no divorce. So a happy marriage (as opposed to a successful marriage partnership where the husband and wife might dislike each other but tolerate each other enough to have strong children and make money) was more indicated by the navamsha chart because it is the supreme indicator of bhagya- the good luck and fortune that was not earned in this life. Not necessarily wealth, but happiness, blessings, the kind of spouse who not just raised your station monetarily, but that made you happy but also helps align you with your own dharma. So consider focusing more on the 9H chart and those indicators in terms of finding a beautiful soulmate (especially the 7th lord and Jupiter/Venus as karaka in your navamsha chart), which to be honest, is very luck based. Most people will not find a soulmate unfortunately.
Back to your question. In my experience, Rahu in the 1st house indeed indicates difficulty in relationships, all other things being equal. This is because Ketu in the 7th house can indicate past lives where the native put a lot of will and being in making a relationship work, often putting aside one's desires for the sake of the partnership. This creates a counter-momentum where Rahu in the next life creates the impulse to develop the personal ego and its wantings. So Rahu in the 1st often indicates someone who doesn't naturally want to compromise in relationships- they have the ability to do so (from the past)- but they did it too much and need to go the other way.
Venus-Rahu makes it more interesting. What's interesting is, from what you say, you seem to be a bit introverted and not someone who likes to throw parties etc. Which means perhaps in terms of the Rahu-Ketu balance your lessons are more about Ketu side. Normally Venus in Leo in the 1st indicates someone who likes to entertain and host guests and events, actors and people on stage. A strong Rahu would make this even stronger and even produce a brilliant actor. In relationships, however, they are difficult because they have an unconscious desire to do their own thing and not do the usual give and take and compromise. Ironically you might work best with someone who has Ketu in the 1st house!
Lastly, Venus in the 1st can make someone quite attractive, especially if close to the lagna point. Often times there is physical beauty, especially in a woman, but regardless it gives a pleasing appearance and aura. Rahu can add some roughness to this but a well placed Rahu with Venus in the 1st can give someone a strikingly beautiful appearance, like eye-catching and a little hypnotic.