House Interchanges ...
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House Interchanges Qualification ?

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(@Anonymous 22854)
Joined: 3 years ago

Good afternoon, 

I'm new here on the website, so please forgive me if this has already been answered. In order for me to move along in my studies I need to clear up some confusion behind the Yoga teachings of "house interchanges".

After watching the Yogas videos, a question that my mind is focused on answering popped up multiple times. In the video Ernst talks about "house interchanges". My question is what does he mean by that specifically ? Some of the examples in the video confused me.

Just to be clear about my question. When Earnst says "house interchanges" which one is he referring to example "a" , example "b" or "both (a and b)"?


When talking about 3rd house lord interchanges 

example a) 3rd house lord is in the 9th house and 9th house lord is in the 3rd house (therefore because the 3rd lord is in the 9th and 9th lord is in the 3rd there is an interchange)


example b) 3rd house lord is in the 9th house (therefore because the 3rd lord is in the 9th there is a interchange)


If anyone can answer this, it would help out alot. It may be common sense but its escaping me right now lol ???? (I'm a virgo moon in both western astrology and vedic astrology).

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Ernst Wilhelm
Posts: 3502
Joined: 12 years ago

example a is the interchange. 

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(@Anonymous 22854)
Joined: 3 years ago

Posts: 16

@ernst Thank You Ernst ????

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O poor guy, Virgo Moon... (Me too. But it's s good for astrology at least, if you are geared towards emotions and relations.)

Maybe you should know that Ernst teaches vedic astrology but with tropical zodiac and that to his and most of the members of this forum understanding "vedic" is not a synonym to "sidereal" when it comes to the sun based astrology. (Different with the Nakshatra, most probably.)

So all positions are the same. Only the cusp interpretation may differ.



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Wow. More Virgo again!
