Rasi Dainya Yogas
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Rasi Dainya Yogas

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(@Anonymous 22854)
Joined: 3 years ago

Good afternoon you guys,


I’m currently studying the yogas series by Ernst. Specifically, the “Rasi Dainya Yogas” concerning the 8th house interchanges.

In Ernst software “Kala”, under “Options> Customize Kala” I selected the following settings “Ernst Wilhelm Recommendations – Tropical Rasis with sidereal Nakshatras”.


I’v pulled up 5 birth charts of people to look at and analyze and applying the techniques to charts to get a better understanding of how the Yogas work practically. Out of the five I was able to find a “Rasi Dainya Yogas”, interchange between the 8th and the 10th house ( 8th house lord is in 10th and 10th house lord is in 8th).

I wrote down notes from the video course but am having some issues interpreting what this means based on my studies, because the birth chart placements for the individual have some extra elements to it, specifically the 8th house. I put the details below if someone could help me interpret this chart.

-From the video I thought the person may have instability with work or chaotic work and some other harshness such as them not being able to fulfil obligations of life successfully. 


Birth Chart Details:

The person is a male. Lagna lord is Jupiter. 1st house Rasi is Sagittarius.

8th house Rasi is Cancer, 10th house Rasis is virgo. (moon is in virgo and mercury is in cancer)

Notes: Other planets sitting in the 8th house are sun and Jupiter (the 1st, 4th and 9th lords are setting in the 8th with mercury). There are no planets sitting in the 1st, 4th or 9th house.

My question is how does this alter the effects of the “Rasi Dainya Yogas”? If anyone can interpret this for me that would be very helpful.

Also once you do it can show me how you came to your conclusion please, that way I know how to interpret this yoga on a case by case basis? 





9 Replies
Ernst Wilhelm
Posts: 3502
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FOr sag lagna, the sun and mercury cause a raja yoga, good for success and work. Sun and Jupiter do as well. so while he has the troubling Dainya yoga, he also has these two raja yogas. 10th is also the father, perhaps the Dainya was coming from the father's wellbeing?

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(@Anonymous 22854)
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Posts: 16


My apologies, I forgot to note in my first post that ketu sits in the 9th house in the rasi leo. I'm not sure if that makes a significant difference in the yoga interpretation you replied with.

As far as the well being of the persons father. The father has not worked a steady job in many years.

The last stable job the father had was years ago. While on the job the father had a major injury to his hand (two fingers where crushed and had to be removed and surgery performed).

Father is also clinically diagnosed with a mental learning disability, schizophrenia and unknown mental disorder. Also has a history of heavy alcoholism.

The mother and father are divorced.

Ernst Wilhelm
Posts: 3502
Joined: 12 years ago

yes, so the dainya yoga is all about the father. always remember to think about people when it comes to the dainya  yoga 

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(@Anonymous 22854)
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Posts: 16


Thank You Ernst

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Posted by: @ernst

always remember to think about people when it comes to the dainya  yoga 

So do all dainya yogas specifically involve people? Is that what they are mainly about?

Also, are they less powerful or central to the natives life, if they are in the vargas instead of the D1?



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@mitryendra80 I'm pretty sure the dainya yogas can only be ascertained from the rasi chart because that's the true picture of what's happening up in the heavens.  Once you get into the Varga charts, the bhavas and planets move all over the place.

Ernst Wilhelm
Posts: 3502
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Use Dainya yogas and the other PV yogas in vargas using whole sign  houses. These yogas are not for bhava cusps, they are for whole rasis. The idea is that different rasis from the lagna better support the lagna and the supportive things of the lagna, which are the angles trine and 2nd and 11th. they work great in vargas. 

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@ernst When looking at Dainya yogas and PVs in the Vargas, do we count forwards only from the lagna, or do we need to count reverse for the even signs?

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