Last seen: Jan 6, 2025
@nkan Thank you so much for your response, Nadya. Luckily I don't have any planets close to Rahu. But what I do have is Venus my AK in an angle and in...
@tuyetv Hi Tuyet! Looks like I had my Ra/Ve as a baby and I will have my Ve/Ra well into the later years of my life, haha. That's so beautiful that...
@amit Thank you so much Amit! I really appreciate your responses to my question. This makes a bunch of sense.
@kaf Hi Kaspar! Thank you so much for the response. Ah, yes! The UP -- I forgot about that one. That would actually be super fun to practice on member...
@tuyetv Beautiful, thank you so much for the response Tuyet! I have heard of this technique but have never put it into practice. Will certainly do so!
Hi! I have a Moon-Mercury conjunction in my 10th and 11th cusp. Though it's not starved, it's thirsted because it's in Scorpio. I'll share with you ho...
@tuyetv I'm just reading this thread, and I really love how you described it! When one area of life (or should I say, bhava) gets overdeveloped, th...
That's wonderful that your Moon is doing so well 🙂 I feel it on the 11th house thing. I have a waning Moon in there along with a Saturn aspect so ...
Hey Staffan :). I've recently started paying attention to Dig Bala, just in my own chart for the most part. My Moon is in Scorpio in the 10th &...
@amit Fantastic, thanks again Amit. Your astrological knowledge runs deep :). I just listened to one of Ernst's videos on analyzing JP Morgan's AD ...
Hey Amit! Thank you for responding. You explained it so well with the planet quality vs. psychological experience. May I ask you a few questions? I...
@staffan Thanks again for your reply :). This makes sense! I have lots to think about and will follow up if I have another question. You rock, thanks ...