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Joined: Jun 13, 2020
Last seen: Mar 10, 2025
Topics: 17 / Replies: 43
3 years ago
Replies: 2
Views: 981
RE: Cannot Find Shaurya "Valour" Saham in Kala

@ernst Tanu "Body" Saham is also not programmed.

3 years ago
RE: Mars/Venus/Sun Conjunction - Violence?

While this combination isn't the focus of the thread, I've been thinking about Mars-Saturn conjunctions and violence. My mother experienced violence a...

4 years ago
RE: Negative effects?

@ernst How do you clear a gem; is there a particular method you recommend that actually works?

4 years ago
RE: Rasis or Bhava cusps for D-30 and Determining Weakness of Organ System

@ernst Thanks, as always, for your clarification. I am attaching a D-30 chart. In this chart, Taurus Lagna, gives the 6th Rasi as Libra. 1. Are we ...

4 years ago
RE: Order of Study

Reading the Arcana Cards and Reading the Little Book first, for sure. After these, I moved onto Time and the Little Book.

4 years ago
RE: Rasis and Bhava cusps in Varshaphal

@ernst Thank you very much for clarifying, Ernst!

4 years ago
RE: Rasis and Bhava cusps in Varshaphal

@ernst Ernst; can you tell me what takes precedence? In my example, I say that the Muthaha/"Muntha" is in the 4th Rasi, but contains the 5th cusp. Do ...

4 years ago
RE: Rasis and Bhava cusps in Varshaphal

Ok, thank you for the clarification, Mona.

4 years ago
RE: Thoughts around vaccines?

I am interested if any of you have Mars-Saturn conjunctions and have had issues with vaccines?

4 years ago
RE: Thoughts around vaccines?

I'm concerned about it. I have a Mars-Saturn conjunction. I don't recall any adverse reactions to vaccines in my life, though. I've been on the fence,...

4 years ago
RE: Rationale for ages of planets in Cards of Truth compared to Graha Sutras

@ernst In your Graha Sutras Audio course, Lesson 14. For example, @1:07:09, you say Mars is 2-4. @1:12:09, you state that 4-14 is the period of learni...

4 years ago
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