Last seen: Mar 10, 2025
@ernst So, it appears I answered my own questions. 1. I found out how to gain access with "other subscriptions" and 2. I was able to look at the Predi...
@ernst I will just ask this here, rather than making a new topic: when is the Predicting with Avashtas course coming to audio? Or will it stay through...
@mitryendra80 The number of times the crows caw is interesting as an omen. Where I live, I certainly haven't seen or heard any, but a bird has made in...
@veronica Thanks for clarifying.
One more complication to my question: if I keep the same business name, but drastically change the products offered by the business and create a new w...
Thanks a lot for your clarification, Ernst.
Argala being formed by malefics in the third house is a special rule that doesn't take into account a virodhina or "obstructing" house, as the third i...
A debilitated planet always harms the bhava it is in and the bhavas that it influences (Rasi aspects). Whether or not it also is unable to take care o...
Unless I am just supposed to take the green--positive or red-negative values myself, based on the Deeptaadi Avashta/Dignity and then add them manually...
Hi Ernst, Thanks for your reply. I am still confused, though, since each planet is showing a green positive and a red negative aspect to the Bhava...