Last seen: Mar 8, 2025
@ernst In one of your course, old one you have said a good mercury have friends that they cherish and maintain. That's it is your ability to maintain ...
@kam Ketu near the first 1 house? One of my ex have an exalted mars but with Rahu, and ketu on the first. She didn't have friends or just one sometime...
I would look into the PAC course for more on childhood trauma, maybe it's triggered due to that, Venus has some trouble avastha there but no shame.
You can read that thread for more information: I analysed the chart you provided with what Ernst said in that thread and I didn't find it using t...
I share this video here, for those who want to understand Human design a bit better and start to dig into it:
In one chart of a woman who said she was raped, she has Saturn tight square within 2 degree of the Sun, with mars conjunct the Sun also squaring Satur...
@aisky No expectation on either part I think. I think the webcrawling I suggested earlier isn't as easy as I thought it would be. So I will try anot...
Before I did the PAC I was starting to feel Astrology birthdate as somehow less "binary". Meaning I started to study the birth moment as the beginning...
I think the chart made from the design part is quite interesting. I made a test and use the vimshotari from my own chart but 88day backward. And it se...
@aisky It's a cloud system like any you can find on internet, just create a folder inside the main folder, add all the charts, make some screenshot fo...
@suzanstars I would start with the basic, to understand the different energy of the types, how to recognize their energy, it should be fun enough that...