Last seen: Mar 8, 2025
I often looked at the 9th and 3rd lord for not doing proper research before moving to a country. People with ketu in the 9th often like to travel and ...
@brightsun Probably that 3rd lord deb and hurt by Saturn, on top of that it's happening in the 4th house, Jupiter is super weak, it's also lord of the...
I wonder though I noticed a pattern in your video over time, isn't this your 9th house conjunction showing up? I noticed in each course you give you f...
a month with Mars Saturn conjunction in virgo, can be interesting to study. One of the first result is a woman who plays in Games of thrones, she pl...
Also if you could add a transit screen specifically made for South Indian chart. Just like you showed in the Vimshottari Snapshot course. The south In...
@tamarap I have watch a few people in my Dance class with this position or Saturn in Scorpio or Saturn influence Mars somehow. But when in conjunction...
There are many things at play here it seems. Jupiter or Mars, Saturn, I'm not sure. I have done a lot of endurance sports in my life also. I think I l...
That's not just 2 cents here, thank you. Well explained 😀
I guess we as astrologers, or "esoteric people", are a bit different. Spending time alone is almost like a requirement. I'm somehow in the middle. ...
I ask the card of truth "how to make friends?" and it gave me a 10 of hearts 🤨 🤨 , 10 of hearts is a jack of club in the Jack spread. ...