Dr. Rajan
Estimable Member
Joined: Jun 13, 2020
Last seen: Mar 10, 2025
Topics: 9 / Replies: 138
RE: Reliable bach flower product/brand in India

@amit thanks a lot for the prompt reply. Will go for them

2 years ago
RE: Is there an ideal order for taking the courses?

@fviirviii 1. Shad Bala: You need not do it at early stage. In general not much detail is available on Shadbala. Its only coz Ernst has dealt it in ...

3 years ago
RE: Is there an ideal order for taking the courses?

@fviirviii As such neither course is out of order nor something which won't go along with others. My approach has been to see what the course offer...

3 years ago
RE: Is there an ideal order for taking the courses?

@Rhett If you remain stuck about what a particular course may bring out and whether you would like to do it, I would suggest you to go through intro...

3 years ago
RE: 2 different birth charts for same person in Kala and Parasara's Light software

Quite likely the one in Parashara Light is using Sidereal sign placement and the one in Kala is using Tropical Sign placement.

3 years ago
RE: Rahu's end goal - the sign?

In essence one needs to work on/develop the sign elements of Rahu. However, in routine, its the house, being a more concrete thing than the sign, whic...

3 years ago
RE: Quitting Caffeine with a Starved Mars (Understanding the Five Elements Course)

@Ernst Would just a simple thing like being physically more active like through exercises/sports would work to enhance Fire of a weak and starved Ma...

3 years ago
3 years ago
RE: waxing, waning moon

@shaman When Moon is at the same degree (in the same sign) as that of Sun, that's a new moonL Like, in your example, when Moon was at 8 degrees, s...

3 years ago
RE: waxing, waning moon

Since Moon has crossed Sun and going away from it, its a waxing moon, till it reaches a position which is exactly 180 degrees opposite of Sun (Full mo...

3 years ago
RE: lajitaadi avashtas

@shaman Yes, like even a planet at 1 degree is considered conjunct with another planet at 29 degrees if in the same sign. All planets in one sign...

3 years ago
RE: lajitaadi avashtas

Yes, joined together or being conjunct means both planets are in the same zodiac sign

3 years ago
RE: Kemadruma Yoga Jaimini

No Kemadruma as per the rule.. As anything other than equal malefics won't be considered as Kemadruma And yes, in Jaimini principles, Ernst consider...

3 years ago
RE: Dementia

@manisha The layer concept is definitely interesting, Ernst dealt with it in the previous Lajjitaadi course as well. Medically also, Liver is a m...

3 years ago
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