Last seen: Mar 10, 2025
@galits can you share any birth details so that we can check at our end and may find the issue you may check with any date you are comfortable to...
@tuyetv When considering a planet as a karaka or for its natural manifesting/separative/fulfilling effects, use the dignity of planet, that is bas...
Hi Ernst Just confirming, this yoga is not the pure ARTHA YOGA..right? That would have required involvement of a kendra lord.
Hi Valerie The chart that you got for reading would have been made using Sidereal zodiac positions The default setting in Kala is tropical zodiac ...
@cathy What Ernst meant is that in the 'Predictive Transit' screen, the Kala choses that Dasamsa option which you would have selected in the main C...
@amit Thanks Amit for sharing
For almost all things, Ernst suggest to use the rasi chart and rasi positions from lagna. There is nothing like 'a planet being in a bhava' Planet...
@radharamana For kendradi bala, one is supposed to use the bhava-chalita chart. Its likely that in this case Mars is closer to 7th cusp than the ...
Yes, rather these planets can be called the primary dispositor of the graha. As the graha can have agenda by being a cusp lord, rasi lord or by just...
@rimasahdev Its in the first Jaimini audio course. Here's the link
@amit @yogesh Have you come across any alternative remedials other than the shrada at holy places mentioned above; something which could be done at...
@arjstere Go through the Balancing Rahu and Ketu section of the Healing Rahu and Ketu course There Ernst mentions that if lords are conjunct, one...
Hi Ruchi Can try this approach:1. As first step, be well versed where the all the signs are located, that you can picture them clearly in mind 2. ...
@amit thanks a lot for the prompt reply. Will go for them