Dr. Rajan
Estimable Member
Joined: Jun 13, 2020
Last seen: Mar 11, 2025
Topics: 9 / Replies: 138
RE: Saturn

Hi Ernst Then what about cases where Saturn is in the 10th or 11th. Does one face situations where he cannot build on his karma or income (I used ...

4 years ago
RE: new rashi sutras

It's alright Sharon For now, I would suggest not to continue with the Rasi sutra course. Rather come back and finish the Jyotish Building Blocks. ...

4 years ago
RE: new rashi sutras

@sharonsegall I assume that you are talking about the 'Jyotish Building Blocks' course. If you have not done that go through that first. After this ...

4 years ago
RE: new rashi sutras

@sharonsegall Can you confirm or explain what is your understanding regarding natural, temporary and combined friendships. Maybe then I can see if t...

4 years ago
RE: new rashi sutras

To properly evaluate how grahas evaluate each other, you can study the course on Interpreting Avasthas (it's there in the Beginner section) There a...

4 years ago
RE: new rashi sutras

Yes You may see how many planets are friends, neutral or enemies (to see how many are helping or hindering). But it's not required for calculati...

4 years ago
RE: new rashi sutras

As Ernst mentions, the 'whys' in astrology are tough to decipher, coz they are not explained in ancient texts. Regarding being inimical to a graha, ...

4 years ago
RE: new rashi sutras

Additional memory points which always helped me: 1. Sun-Saturn and Sun-Venus are the only 2 mutual enemy pairs.d 2. Saturn has max enemies: Sun, M...

4 years ago
RE: new rashi sutras

@sharonsegall Regarding Mars and Saturn: Mars is enemy to Saturn but Saturn is neutral to Mars (note: Mars exalts in Saturn sign) So, wheth...

4 years ago
RE: Indications of house cusp for evolution

Ernst, then will it be correct to deduce that Rahu/Ketu in 8H, conjunct Sun (the self), is then one of the toughest yet most potential positions for ...

4 years ago
RE: Upapada in D1-D12 rules for marriage

Hi Mona As you guessed correct, till D-12, we use the Udapada rasi of D-1 for in all these vargas. That's a technique we use for interpretation as p...

4 years ago
RE: Iron deficiency in the blood

Hi Ayan Just adding that if iron levels are low, then improving B-12 may not be of help because both are required in their own way for healthy Red B...

4 years ago
RE: No Hope for Starved Jupiter?

Hi Are you referring to the YouTube video or any of the course videos? Thanks

4 years ago
RE: Personality traits

@khanT he only reference I could think for lagna chart is when you use a diamond or North Indian chart. There can be then lagna chart (risible sig...

4 years ago
RE: Notes for predicting through Jaimini

@mona Thanks a lot.. Useful indeed

4 years ago
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