Last seen: Mar 6, 2025
thank you for that! your free thinking inspires me greatly!
yes i understand, but you expanded that approach with the steps("aspects like") of declination and also you regard the effect of a planet in close de...
very interesting and clever approach, may i ask what the source of that technique? did you develop it from your broad understanding and use of all tha...
ok so the general idea is the better those factors are (uccha,chesta,dig,suba) for a planet in question ,meaning if its strong, the less harm it gives...
@ernst ok great, that is the connection i was looking for and intuitively leaning towards thank you!!!!!!
i get that and that is logical. with respect to the 16th varga/shodamsh where Venus in a bad shape however in the rasi its exa how can one improve on ...
@ernst thank you for clarifying!
hi Ernst, so just to be clear, whenever you talk in the "Vargas in depth" course about the lagna, planets etc with respect to specific varga, you basi...
@l-miranda Hi Miranda, I hear you. We are in a time where mental health issues are rising exponentially, and it's the sensitive individuals who are...
hi Miranda, It's a delicate situation you're facing with your friend. I believe astrology helped you see the red flags, but more importantly, serve ...