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Hello Ernst and All,

I have a question about a combination in my chart. I think I know the answer but  Im interested in your opinion.

I have Gemini Lagna, Atma Karaka is Sun. Sun and Mercury are conjunct in Libra, Rashi aspected my moolatrikona Moon in Taurus. So Me-Mo mutually rashi aspect each other, making career as a healer possible.

6th house connection... Lord of Sun (AK) is Venus as Sun is in Libra, Venus is conjunct Mars in Virgo, sign of desease. Mars is lord of 6th house Scorpio. Is this combination enough of becoming some kind of healer?

And if yes, what kind of? Im considering to learn Dance and Intergrated Art Therapy once my children get a little bit older.

Thanks for your comments, kind regards,


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I think dance is a good idea with Me rasi aspected by a good moon. The fact that it is a long term plan, Ma in Vi ideally shouldn't cause frustration.

For healer, how does D-9 and D-30 look ? For D-9 I'd look for Me/Mo aspect or Me and Mo in trines. Also the condition of Ve because Ve is also a healer. In D-30; 6th lord, Sa. Any Me/Ve or Me/Mo connection; and 6th from AK. 

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@agnesbarna I also have Mars in Virgo. In a conversation with a friend of mine who uses Western Astrology and also has this placement; I was informed that Mars in Virgo people do NOT like to be healed. They do the healing. For me, Mars is my AK in my Lagna and I personally don't relate to this statement at all. But I decided I'd share it with you because I found it interesting. Since you also have Mars in Virgo, maybe  you will have a different perspective to mine. From a fellow Venus ruled Sun and Moon 🙂

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Posted by: @kam

Mars in Virgo people do NOT like to be healed

I don't relate to this statement much, as I have Mars in Virgo. I also have Jupiter there within a couple of degrees from Mars. But I do like to have some control and make my own informed decisions. I don't like being low-functioning because I would like to be able to help others heal.


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@mitryendra80 @kam

I am curious for those who have Ma in Virgo. How have you experienced the Mercury starvation there? Ma starved by Mercury is one the avasthas that I have had a difficult time understanding. Of course I can spit out what Ernst has said but it is tricky for me to understand. Just one of those that I can't really grasp. My Ma is not starved by Me.  

so....Really curious what you all have to say. 

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@scott-m-19 I am not quite clear on which of my symptoms are caused by which L. avashthas yet. What I attribute to my Virgo-starved Mars may in fact be more appropriately attributed to my starved Jupiter or agitated debilitated Mercury.

My Mars is starved by both Mercury (by being in Virgo), and by Saturn, due to conjunction. So I haven't yet learned how to isolate the Saturn effect from the Mercury effect yet. But I am sure the Saturn effect is causing the most frustrations. Additionally, my Mars is also mrita, which adds an additional hampering to it's functioning.

It takes a skilled astrologer to break down what each L. avashtha is doing in a single chart. Especially there are multiple afflictions causing a complex problem or state of functioning.

For example: I am having to live with a relative who has Rahu-Sun shaming Venus, Mercury starved by moon (being in Cancer), and a very close Saturn Moon conjunction starvation in Leo in the 4th. The last is probably the worst, as Saturn is being starved by the Moon, Sun, and possibly Mars as well due to a 4th aspect from Mars being placed in his lagna rashi (I will have to look at his chart again to determine the degree of Mars' aspect on Saturn.) His energy field is a sink-hole and can feel it just being aroud him. He keeps things stuffed in and doesn't breath freely.

I am sure that his shamed Venus, which has been blocking his ability to make self fulfilling and healing decisions, changes, and habits (also due to being closest to Rahu and thus undeveloped) is made worse by the Moon Starving Mercury, because due to that he won't even try new things and make use of different opportunities. A shamed Venus and Moon-sign-starved Mercury have some overlapping symptoms that make each worse. It seems that it is the shamed Venus that is not willing to confidently claim its own satisfaction, and to smirk at others who do. A bit of a snarky attitude toward those who jump on "bandwagons" might be coming from both.

And with his close Saturn-Moon conjunction, he seems to actually prefer being infirm, fatalistic, weak, and ill, and to even be loved for it. And he seems to feel insulted or hurt when shown the healing and self-regenerating things he can do for himself, especially if it involves any consistent effort on his part (But even if it is extremely simple and easy, he still won't think of doing it).

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I also know a sidereal astrologer with Mars in Virgo (tropically) who has a tendency to over-invalidate the use of the tropical zodiac in Vedic astrology, beating the dead horse a little too often and mixing lengthy word salads with historical textual references a bit more than necessary. And then defensively claiming it is settled and that "There is no debate".

I find the zodiac mystery fascinating and multifaceted myself, despite favoring the logic of, and evidence for, the tropical zodiac. Yet I'm also guilty of the word-salad thing about it too!

I only bring this up as they seem to have a fairly good and straight-forward chart otherwise, at a quick glance, and seem passionate and sincere. There is a Rahu-Sun conjunction, though.

And also, like me, they have a martian moon sign and we tend to get impatient with the shallow, unprincipled, overly-tactful side of Mercury. And we also prefer to penetrate highly-nuanced issues instead of accepting simple-minded parroting.


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@scott-m-19 ; The way I understand it is Me is responsible for long term strategy and decisions, its investigative until it finds the right thing. Ma is supposed to be used in the now in an instant and then relax. It needs an immediate result.

So, the basic theme of Ma starved by Me is when someone is taking decisions in the moment at the cost of long term detrimental effects. The cusps might add to the area we do this in. 

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@scott-m-19 Good question. In my case, Mars is my AK in my Lagna and there's a Parivartana exchange between Mars and Mercury. There's also additional starvation to Mars from Saturn via aspect and my Mercury itself is thirsty and agitated by the Moon via aspect. Simply put, I've been told "No, you're not allowed to do that." a lot throughout my life. I have a bunch of siblings and I have definitely experienced more resistance and disapproval from family in pursuing what I want in life in comparison to 2 of my other siblings who have an exalted (retrograde) Mars and Mars in Aries. I also have another sibling younger than myself with Mars in Gemini and I notice the same themes repeating themselves in her life as i've experienced in mine. Mars is her AK as well, funnily enough.

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@mitryendra80 I also prefer a semblance of control when it comes to healing modalities. I prefer healing remedies that offer immediate results and target emotional trauma, such as the Bach Flower Remedies, and resetting the vagus nerve. Consistent exercise routines are also nice.

Another thing she said that I somewhat moreso relate to is the fact that Virgo Mars people don't really like to be touched due to a lack of trust. So like massage therapy and those forms of healing may not be as helpful for them.

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@kam Before I start looking for myself, do you have a video or other resource online that talks more about this "resetting the Vagus nerve" that you recommend? I've never heard of this, but I'm interested since my vagus nerve is annoyingly sensitive and I get vasovagal syncope pretty easily in some situations.

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@staroracles-com I really enjoy Sukie Baxter's work on YouTube. Here are two videos of hers that really helped me. Hope this helps.

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@brooke Interesting about the vasovagal syncope because I've also had this. I've fainted while my blood was being drawn more than once in the past. That's just one example. I'm generally physically sensitive as well as psychically sensitive, which I attribute to the Cancer Rasi and Svamsa. Have you worked with this/healed it? If so, what helped you?

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@suzanstars I can't say I have healed it or even worked on it since my last comment, haha. I really would like to try though, since I worry about needing medical care in the future and not being able to handle it. I'm also cancer svamsa...throwing that in here since you mentioned it!

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@kam Do you recommend cold showers for stimulating the vagus nerve?

I bet Ernst recommends cold showers for everyone in general.

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@mitryendra80 I actually have never thought about cold showers for this, but it seems like a good idea! I know that splashing cold water on your face is one of the tips I've learned about to quickly counteract a fight or flight/stress response. Here's a video that I've personally found helpful with more ways to stimulate the vagus nerve:  

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@kam Thanks!
