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Experiences and significance of 2nd (37) nodal return

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Thank you ???? 

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I've had a few Libra related experiences since my nodal return began. I think I've been experiencing more of the Ketu side of things because I have more planets with Ketu (lucky me????). My nodes are in 8/2 axis. These are some of my experiences so far:

Recently, I had an encounter with a nosy relative who gave me his unsolicited opinion about what I'm doing with my life and my value/ lack of worth in his eyes. It struck a nerve with me at the time because I'd already been feeling those things about myself privately before he showed up and put me on blast. I also felt somewhat betrayed by the lack of support from some of my immediate family members too when I found out he was also talking to them about me behind my back.

However, it soon came to light that this relative is himself unemployed and has been for years (despite bringing his kids on a month long vacation to another continent and expecting his distant relatives to foot the bill of hosting and entertaining them ????????‍♀️). So It seems like he's just a hypocrite with a bad Libra, but I still wish I had taken the opportunity to lean in to my Queen of Diamonds ecliptic card more and stood up for myself instead of suffering in silence because of my ashamed Venus (10 of Diamonds).

Another situation that's happening currently is that I've been indirectly invited to go on some excursions and now a trip that I really can't afford. So, I decided to turn it down because I'd rather not be indebted to someone else (Libra). Even though my Rahu-Jupiter conjunction in 8H Aries should facilitate me to use other people's resources, I really don't want to have to deal with the consequences of getting things from other people because I find there's always strings attached even when it's implied otherwise.




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The experience that @kam is having is the perfect example of how it works. There is an inkling and a pull, but there is still much confusion, not enough clarity, and the newness of being able to use Saturn.

I am a magnet for unsolicited advice. Normally, I listen and take it on board. But the period between the nodal return and Rahu maturation was like everything touching raw nerves. My Ecliptic is the 9 of Spades, and quiet contemplation usually brings me answers, but using it during that time was going round and round the same problems without being able to accept a new solution. It was a great path towards a total burnout, though ???? 

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@manisha @kam Is there something about the Cards of Truth Ecliptic Card that becomes activated at the nodal return? If so, I didn't know about this. Can you refer me to Ernst's video where he talks about this? I would love to learn more. I'm a 3 of Clubs Birth Cards (Sun card is 3 of Spades ???? ???? ???? ) and so my Ecliptic card is Kind of Clubs. Since I'm turning 37 this month, would my ecliptic card then be more active this year than usual? Thank you!

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@squiddaisy I don't believe so. At least, I haven't seen any courses from Ernst where he talks about the Ecliptic becoming more active at a certain age. I just study the cards of truth so I have more of an affinity with my card spread meanings.

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That’s a very good question. I haven’t thought about it on those lines, so I don’t know. Best to ask @ernst about it.

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My sister is this age and is currently going though her nodal return as well. She has been doing really well with her career since the transit began. She won a company-wide "big brain" award at work, has been recognized for her contributions by her colleagues and was recently offered a promotion with a significant raise. Rahu and Ketu are in 1/7 axis in her chart. She has a ruchaka Mars, but Venus is debilitated so she needs to keep on top of her body work to stay limber and manage chronic muscle and joint stiffness.

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Rahu (in 1st?) in which sign?

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@manisha Rahu in 1st in the sign of Aries. Interestingly enough, she's also a Queen of Diamonds ecliptic card.

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My second nodal return / Saturn maturation was as Squiddaisy says: "slapping in the face: time to grow". At the beginning of the crisis for a few months I was sometimes feeling/seeing a black cloud besides me at night. It felt to me the presence of death. Some friends around that age agree to have felt something similar, with varying feelings/sensations but arriving to the same interpretation: the visit of Ms. Death. Something must happen in the body as we go over the mid-thirties that allows death to grasp us. It's quite rare someone dying at 30, 33...but a considerable number of people dies a few years later. Although I don't know what it is I'm sure some significant changes happen in the body around those years. As well the career of ballet dancers or athletes finishes...
In my case, the second nodal return coincided with Ju/Sa dasha. Anyway, many things crumbled. Having to start anew. And the new build-up is been taking years. Connecting with what Manisha says about being as a Moon cycle: my reverse nodal return was on December 2021 and only recently I am starting to be a bit confident about how to operate the new tools. Studying Astrology is one of them 🙂
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