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Experiences and significance of 2nd (37) nodal return

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I am wondering what the significance and or experience everyone has had with with their 2nd nodal return at 37ish years old. 

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Best way I can say how it's affecting me, no offense, is like God slapping you in the face saying, "Time to grow the f**k up." Good luck to you!

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@squiddaisy lol, I see, in what ways is it leading you to grow up?

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@squiddaisy I agree, this is the time in life where you really come to understand that it´s about swimming or dying. That said, in my CoT-spread Five of Clubs it´s also when we have 7 of Hearts on our Ecliptica four years in a raw - crisis in relationships as a major theme, so I might be coloured by that experience.



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All your psychological complexes from childhood come rearing up in the realm of relationships, career, finances, even material possessions and you have to make the responsible choice in all these categories. It's kind of like jumping a series of hurdles in a relay race. For my part, I'm committed to taking an SSRI and keeping my head down for the next two years. Just keep putting one foot in front of the other. Do NOT get a divorce. There ya go. 

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@squiddaisy Interesting, I just came off an SSRI!

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2nd nodal return coincides with Saturn maturation. This is when we start to learn to use our Saturn. It also brings reality into focus. From now on, it’s heading towards Rahu maturation in a few years, and slowly things start presenting themselves from our unconscious side.

When I look back at my nodal returns, I can distinguish between the quarters, like one would between the quarter phases of the moon. The start was like the New Moon, when things started becoming clear. The reverse nodal return is like the Full Moon, when things that need to become conscious have reached their peak. After that comes the phase when we start integrating and adjusting to what has become conscious. If you remember the 18 years following your first nodal return, you might get an idea.

If there is any advice I would give to myself if I were to go through it again, it would be that things line up to make one’s life easy. How attached we are to the Ketu house creates our suffering. I struggled to let go of the Ketu house. Much advice and information and opportunities came my way to let go of it, but I couldn’t. I wasn’t into astrology at that time. Now, with hindsight, I see the value of it all and follow it as much as I am capable of in any given moment.

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@manisha That's very helpful and insightful, thank you!

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@manisha So if I have Sun conjunct Ketu in 9H Libra and Rahu in 3H Aries, what would you say I need to let go of to prepare for Rahu maturation? Right now, it's letting go of my marriage that I just can't wrap my head around. For some reason though, I don't feel happy (in my marriage). I have Moon starving Saturn natally and in the Navamsa so, it seems there's no escaping dissatisfaction in general AND an unhappy marriage. Because it's also in Navamsa, I don't think gettin remarried will "fix" my dissatisfaction, although that is my current delusional fantasy! Honestly, I don't know how to function outside of a relationship. With the Sun conjunct Ketu in Libra, I have no idea how I can escape it. It's like a black hole..I can't see or understand beyond the "event" horizon and am completely terrified to go there (and be 'poor' again and be called 'cheap trash' by my family - they already think that though, despite being a married teacher and homeowner!) I was thinking about it today, just how I feel tortured romantically by men in life (starting with dear old dad, of course) and how I just wish I could be done with them.

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Dissatisfaction is a personal feeling. It is an emotional response to the limitation that we are putting on ourself. We feel dissatisfied when we are not completely connected to ourselves. There are parts of us that we ignore, that at some point start demanding our attention to help us become whole again. It is those parts that are feeling dissatisfied for being ignored. 

I can understand why you think you don’t know how to function outside of a relationship. With Sun-Ketu in 9H Libra, you might have a belief about yourself as to how you are meant to be in context with Libra. Moving towards Rahu in 3H Aries would be about looking at each of the beliefs that you have about yourself in detail. Does this sound like me or have I bought into someone else’s belief? Is this what I really want to do? How about trying something different? If I have all the freedom to be whatever and to do whatever, what would I like to be or do? Would I like to do it this way or would I prefer this other way? Do I need to end my marriage? Or can I experiment in it to see what actually makes me happy?

With Saturn maturation, we are starting to look at the reality around us and our responses to that reality. How good our connection to ourselves is, gets reflected in our connection to all that which is around us. So, if you are unhappy with your marriage, I would start looking at how happy you are with yourself. What are you not allowing yourself to do and why?

Fears would come up, but there would also be solutions. You say ‘no’ to one solution, an alternative solution will come your way. When we insist on having things go our way so that we can feel safe and secure, based on our limited view and belief of ourself, the unknown becomes harder to handle. On the other hand, by trying out these new solutions, that are oh-so-uncomfortable, in bite-sized portions, we get to see and experience that a new way of living is possible.

Also, when other people are involved, they would have their own natal charts and their own problems to deal with, and their own planetary maturations to live through.

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I have the opposite axis Rahu 9 - Ketu 3. Aries Lagna.
My Aries Lagna way of functioning: I just do what I want to do. What I am excited or passionate about. That is what motivates me. And this is what really gives me satisfaction. It's a question of action, of being able to do. Venus satisfaction is quite secondary to me, I just need the opportunity to be engaged in what I WANT TO DO. I became an artist, dancer, not mainstream, precarious life... My Mars is starved, I'm not able to fight or defend my position so that the projects don't grow much, don't last much, but nevertheless, despite tears and frustrations I start again, because this "action" is what lights up my life. 
I think this is a very important element of Aries. Therefore I'll recommend you to find out some activity(s) you really like and just do it. Doesn't matter what it is. Something you do without your partner. And don't care about the reason or the meaning... Just do it, engage in doing something you enjoy and let time pass and life collaborate.
You have the means.
Getting re-married as you say seems a delusional fantasy right now.
You know it very well.
You know. 
Your Sun-Ketu it's a beautiful spiritual combination. Maybe Sun DB doesn't make it easy but nevertheless there is a jewel in there.
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Some of my thoughts on Ketu in the 9th (Venus) and Rahu in the 3rd (Mars). 9th house is the house of belief so the thinking is if they believe in something (religions, parents, a system etc...) they will get through life. But one day they are going to question that 9th house, that faith, that belief system. One can believe in something in their heart which is the 9th house, but they have to practice it too which is the 3rd house, the house of efforts and skills. They have to test it, practice it, prove it to see what they believe is true. That is Rahu in the 3rd. Ketu in the 9th is saying as long as they believe in something, everything will work out. But one day it does not work out. So  they have to go to the 3rd Rahu house by testing, practicing what they believe to see if it really works. Just blindly believing in something does not necessarily make it true.

Ketu in Venus sign - as long as they are fulfill they are ok. They want people to please them, to make them happy, to fulfill them then they will get through this world. But people may like them not in a healthy way or one day they just realize they are unhappy. Rahu in Mars sign, it afflicts the person's energy. When they are in a difficult relationship, they think by going to someone else who will please them, they will be ok because Venus is the sign of fulfillment. But they have to fight for it, work at it which is Rahu in Mars sign. Mars is hard work, effort, self-restraint and persistent. The ideal of fighting for something is foreign to them. They need to know what they will be fulfill with and work hard for it, fight for it. Things rarely come easy...

Ketu house is the house that we are comfortable with and we tend to stay there as long as possible. But the Rahu house is where we have to explore, to test to see if what we believe makes sense. Rahu house is scary and for some of us it takes much longer to go there than others. I look at this simply as life experience. Once you experience life, grow and mature by going to the Rahu house then you come back to your Ketu house, you will be much more balance in a healthy way because of your Rahu experience...

I have a friend with this Axis. She is unhappy with her boyfriend because she is feeling unfulfilled. She thinks by finding another boyfriend, she will be happier. I told her what is it that she wants from the relationship? Her boyfriend alone is not going to make her happy. She has to figure out what makes her happy and fight for it, work for it. Good things come into our life through Venus. We can make those things better by putting efforts, energy  into them, Mars. Otherwise, everything becomes meaningless in the long run.



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