Happy Monday, astrologers! Can someone please tell me what are the effects of this?
My friend has a Capricorn lagna.
Parivartana Yoga #1: His 1st lord is in the 5th, and his 5th lord Venus is in the 1st.
Parivartana Yoga #2: His 6th lord Mercury in the 12th, and the 12th lord Jupiter in the 6th.
Mercury is in Sag and Jupiter in Gemini is in bad dignity -- I'm worried about this for him.
Thank you for your time in reading my post. I'd really appreciate an answer on this. Have a wonderful week ahead!
1st and 5th exchange would make him pursue a very creative path.
6th and 12th exchange could make him rest when he should be working and work when he should be resting!
Thanks a bunch Amit! I did not think about that 6th and 12th exchange relating to work and rest. Thank you for teaching me something new and for answering my question. I really appreciate it!
Amit provided a good interpretation. Here is mine. 6th House is delays, obstruction. 12th House is house of expenses, losses. In bad dignity so delays and obstructions that result in losses/expenses. Jupiter represents many things and one of them is money. Delays and obstruction or gullible (6th House) that would create losses and expenses (12th House). Just a thought!
I think the Parivartana 6-12 can make very difficult for the person to accept loses.
I see this struggle in a person with Rahu in 12.
Could it be similar for the Parivartana 6-12, whereas a good 12th house will find it much easier to accept loses?