Last seen: Sep 26, 2020
PS yeah my job is kind of meaningful. It'll get there, I just started 6 months ago.
Yes well I came to delete that post lol. I was so out of it yesterday, I could barely get that written. I think sometimes sugar clouds my brain, and...
@meyes or makes us work harder in the evenings which wears us out and contributes to an earlier death lol.
@ernst ok.
@veronica. Interesting, I definitely have a lack of focus. I was reading your answer while doing data entry here at work. 🙂
Alright, that's somewhat comforting, thanks. :). I read yesterday that scientists found a link between activities that use the hands, and memory rete...
@veronica haha "rather than imprisonment". Thanks. 🙂
Ok thanks a lot, and what about gift-giving? I'm kind of thinking that's a second-house affair...? (According value to someone?)
Hi Leah, I'm sorry to hear about your dad, I hope he recovers alright. In regards to black lives matter, I'm curious where the tension lies. That...
Thanks guys, this has been helpful. I'm taking some time to journal over some undealt-with emotions.
Thanks Manisha, yes I also thought Saturn might be in the mix. I bought the bowl at an antique store, it was stored in an old trunk, cheques...nobody...
Sorry and Mercury is to reassess? That is interesting, hadn't heard that before.
@mirela thanks so much Mirela. Ok I'll look into these nakshatras, and I'm curious about what Uranus does in a Venusian sign... you're imp...
@ernst ok I've been convinced.