Last seen: Mar 11, 2025
@ernst Okay. Thanks, Ernst.
Hi Ernst, If a man's Saturn is conjunct a woman's Ketu and Venus, is it fair to say the woman feels protected with this man but at the same time, fe...
@tuyetv Ahh this seems to be the classic interpretation of Jupiter-Rahu conjunction that I hear so often. I'll echo Manisha and say I'm glad Jupiter i...
@manisha I can also relate to feeling the futility of Mars, as my Mars is in Virgo in my Lagna. I tend to begin things with a lot of expectations from...
@manisha Thank you, I will definitely check this course out! Today I've been contemplating what Ernst wrote about Jupiter-Rahu having a broken spark s...
@ernst Thanks, Ernst!
@ernst When assessing compatibility as a couple, Would you say it's more important to focus on the Node interpretations of their individual charts, or...
@ernst Thanks, Ernst
@ernst Hi Ernst, do you extend the day quadration of December 30th to cover the day of December 31st as well?
@manisha For sure! I'm a bit jealous of people who have no planets with their nodes. Must be nice ????
I have Jupiter with Rahu in my 8th house, in Aries. I'm also very familiar with the crushing feeling of failure when the things I try to initiate don'...
@ernst Thank you, Ernst. The woman is 35, just getting in to her Saturn maturation and the man is 38. He brought up marriage recently.
I'm a Virgo Lagna, so Venus is retrograde while transiting my 5th house. I'm hoping this means a reward from the 7th? We'll see. Interestingly enough,...
@meyes It doesn't seem so bad, actually. They're all about the other person. He just wants to make her happy and help her become successful, and she l...