Honorable Member
Joined: Oct 20, 2020
Last seen: Mar 11, 2025
Topics: 30 / Replies: 302
RE: Exalted Mars - pillar of strength or the worst position in the chart??

@scott-m-19 Do you mind sharing where to find the compilation of mental illness yogas?

3 years ago
RE: Do you tell the bad predictions in a chart?

That's a great way to look at it ???? I think all of that negativity and pessimism is Rahu giving the results of Saturn. It feels a lot like having ...

3 years ago
RE: Jupiter and purpose

@ernst For a Jupiter-Rahu conjunction in the 8th house, would the expectation from the public towards Jupiter be to share one's wisdom and knowledge (...

3 years ago
RE: Exalted Mars - pillar of strength or the worst position in the chart??

I have a sibling with an exalted Mars in their 10th house with the 11th cusp there also. When we run errands, they refuse to get out of the car. Their...

3 years ago
RE: Do you tell the bad predictions in a chart?

@meyes I'm more inclined to use language like "You may find that you're experiencing things in this way..." or "You could try this instead of this." I...

3 years ago
RE: Do you tell the bad predictions in a chart?

When it comes to making negative predictions, I tend to stay away from it when doing readings because I have this underlying thought constantly runnin...

3 years ago
RE: Do you tell the bad predictions in a chart?

I'm not sure if you've studied the Cards of Truth, but as someone who has, I find that they really do provide the missing link between Tarot and Astro...

3 years ago
RE: Venus as karaka for one's sexual orientation?

I have the same conjunction in Libra in my 2nd house. In my case, one of the ways that the shame of Venus manifested itself was: I met someone with t...

3 years ago
RE: The visual age (appearance) of a person (aging)?

@karinia I've experienced similar things as a Virgo Lagna with Mars in my 1st. Recently when I received the vaccine, the attendant assumed I was 12 ye...

3 years ago
RE: 10 of Hearts - Incredible synchronicity

@phbwlsn That's amazing! When I saw my x-rays, it was quite jarring at first. But then, to think about how well my body was physically able to compens...

3 years ago
RE: 10 of Hearts - Incredible synchronicity

This is so interesting. I also have a 10 of Hearts in my spread in the Jupiter card. I had a somewhat similar experience last August when I visited a ...

3 years ago
RE: Saturn’s Function

I thought I'd share a mini experience of my Saturn-Mars aspect. I have this in my 1st house (Mars) and 4th house (Saturn). It snowed 25+ cm here and I...

3 years ago
RE: The visual age (appearance) of a person (aging)?

I have a sibling who's an Aries rising with Rahu in their 1st house and Mars exalted in their 10th house. They started going grey at 18.

3 years ago
RE: Ancestral / Karmic Wave

@ernst Cool. I'll play around with it. Thanks, Ernst.

3 years ago
Replies: 2
Views: 776
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