Honorable Member
Joined: Oct 20, 2020
Last seen: Mar 12, 2025
Topics: 30 / Replies: 302
RE: Healer

@scott-m-19 Good question. In my case, Mars is my AK in my Lagna and there's a Parivartana exchange between Mars and Mercury. There's also additional ...

4 years ago
RE: Healer

@mitryendra80 I actually have never thought about cold showers for this, but it seems like a good idea! I know that splashing cold water on your face ...

4 years ago
RE: Healer

@staroracles-com I really enjoy Sukie Baxter's work on YouTube. Here are two videos of hers that really helped me. Hope this helps.

4 years ago
RE: Healer

@mitryendra80 I also prefer a semblance of control when it comes to healing modalities. I prefer healing remedies that offer immediate results and tar...

4 years ago
RE: Healer

@agnesbarna I also have Mars in Virgo. In a conversation with a friend of mine who uses Western Astrology and also has this placement; I was informed ...

4 years ago
RE: Commingup Mars/Sun Conjunction and Ve/Ke Conjunction

This day is my birthday. I'm interested in hearing people's thoughts about these transits as well.

4 years ago
RE: Frontal Lobes

@mitryendra80 I have Sun in Libra as well, conjunct Venus and Ketu. My Mars is starved in Virgo in my 1st house. A few years ago, I had an EEG done at...

4 years ago
RE: 3 diamonds in position 4

I recently got the 3 of Diamonds in the 'to do' position of a self-reading as well. I interpreted this card to mean: keep gritting through the project...

4 years ago
RE: New Lajjitaadi Course

I agree with Brooke 🙂 The Sun agitating Moon video almost made me cry! However, crying is not an emotion that is part of my validated response syst...

4 years ago
RE: Dig Bala zero or very low?

@ernst If the Moon is low in Dig Bala (27.3% of required) but high in Cheshta Bala (182.6% of required) will this negate the negative effects of this ...

4 years ago
RE: Solving Mars Starving Saturn

Hi @anand, my brother also has this placement in Aries (Mars + Ketu + Saturn). He's been fully vaccinated and did not experience any adverse side effe...

4 years ago
RE: Solving Mars Starving Saturn

@mona Definitely! My Mercury is also thirsty so that's something I need to work around.

4 years ago
RE: Solving Mars Starving Saturn

I do this too! Saturn rules my 5th as well and is in my 4th house conjunct Uranus, while Mars is in my 1st house. I literally became ill from my last ...

4 years ago
RE: Mercury in the 3rd Bhava- Death and Discernment?

@rhiannon I actually cannot for the life of me remember (Jupiter + Rahu in my 8th house problems) but I believe it was either in one of the Cards of T...

4 years ago
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