Last seen: Mar 12, 2025
I have L3 in Lagna too. I can't say I'm particularly intelligent, and certainly not very articulate either, but my L3 is starved as well. Very interes...
@ernst Very interesting. I can't swim and have Saturn and Uranus in my 4th.
@meyes Thanks for your thoughts! I was heading home from a chiropractor visit. I'd say we drove past the fire about 20 minutes later. I actually was t...
@ernst Wow, that's really profound. Thanks Ernst! Later on during that same drive home, I saw black smoke billowing out of a car on fire (atleast I ...
@meyes Ohh, I see what you mean. I think he refers to that card symbol as the year card, if I'm not mistaken.
@meyes Hi Mattias, I'm curious as to what you're referring to when you say the: "thematic card of the year" Do you mean a card that's packed ful...
I'd say my sister is pretty good at manual dexterity. Whenever something needs to be built (i.e shelves or desks with complicated instructions) or som...
@amit Yes, that's what I meant. Thanks very much for responding 🙂
@amit Hi Amit, I'm curious. Would you give a similar interpretation if Rahu's lord is with Ketu in the same nakshatra, but in different signs?
My sister has Venus in Virgo, however it's not her AK. Her career is her life, but she's pretty much a recluse other than that. She has Moon and Ketu ...
@scott-m-19 That astrologer sounds like an 8 of Clubs.
@manisha Ahh, I see. That's true, I've never found an HD transit calculator like that that's also free. I believe there are a few Human Design sites t...
@ayan That's a very interesting observation! I have my Ascendant lord Mercury conjunct Pluto. When I got in to the workforce in my 20's, I was kind of...
@manisha Human Design App on Android is what I use. Screenshot_20210906-112108.png