Last seen: Aug 4, 2024
@mona Do you remember if Rahu was closer to either cusp in the sign?
@mona Good question, Mona. Yes, Rahu is in my 4th house with only the 5th cusp. So it was curious to me as well that Ernst's descriptions of Rahu conj...
I would also say that I was successful in coming out from the other side of these lessons because Saturn and Rahu's lord is Mercury who is in pretty g...
@mona @angela.wilson @lisa Thank you for all of this discussion. It is great! I have an example from my own life as I have Rahu with the 5th cusp....
@mona @manisha My Venus is starved + combust conjunct the Sun in Leo. My Venus Dasha went from around age 14 ish till 33-ish and it was absolutely ...
@mona What region are you from?
@mona I have dual citizenship. My dad is French and he lives in Quimper, Brittany. I would love to live there. I feel more at home in France too. But ...
@mona Ugh the house issues sound terrible. I can relate. I have had house/home issues my entire life. I remember Ernst saying that Rahu will give mold...
@mona As you know I have the same axis and I am working on ALL of this too right now. I loved hearing it put into your words. I forgot if you have gon...
@manisha Ok since I have five planets in Leo (including Sun) I just asked my wife your question, "How do you give advice to a Leo to help them bett...
Wow I came here to ask this exact question! I am studying a chart in which the native recently went through Venus-Jupiter. Jupiter is in GF dignity ...
Also I should tell you what kind of obsessions I have had. When I was a younger I would have dating/crush obsessions, then as I got older it was pro...
@manisha In my western chart Rahu is in-between the sun and Saturn and about 8 degrees away from each, although Sun is in Leo and Saturn is with...