Last seen: Mar 22, 2023
@codydeboer Interesting. You will get good support for your Ra with Ma in Cap. I am also interested in Ernst's answer to the question of discipline...
This is a very interesting question; one that I think about a lot too. Similar stuff with me; I have a Sa/Ma opposition on 1/7 in Cp/Cn. The good...
@ltmoon hahaha, Cap is my lagna. My sister has MT Sa AQ too... this is quite interesting definitely. Yeah; I hit Ra dasha when I was 4. So, my fo...
I started off studying astrology for figuring out what's going wrong, but last 2 years, i study it for fun and when i have time; so i may see things d...
@ltmoon @codydeboer yeah this is very interesting. its definitely doing something deep in different ways. it kind of gave me the confidence to trust...
@tuyetv ; thank you! happy new year 🙂
@ltmoon so yeah, i definitely felt the first hit lol, did not get into a relationship but i had an experience that was fulfilling. I think it was a...
@ltmoon Haha, yes ma'am. will let you know. Thanks for pointing out youtube series on love. I haven't seen much of it yet. I was busy with work ...
Is Ve/Me imp planets for you ? I'l let you know impact in 3 months ? :). I am Cap lagna; Ve AK; Me DK. Ya, with these transitions I have already ...
Forgot to add- spiritually Yogananda's energization exercises will help. But, the call to do that must come from the heart! just like everything in sp...
@manisha You are actually right. I have this combination Sa (Cap/1st) and Ma (Cn/7th). I have observed myself going through these energetic transit...
I am in a very similar situation. 1. If saturn is in own sign does that make it less of an effect? (and have this too). I treated it as something...
Update : I was interacting with a Me stared by Sa person ; I have Me delighted by Ve, Ju, Su. It was extremely hard for me to interact cohesively with...
Are you sure it didn't just get imprinted on your subconscious by a movie or a book ? I'm surprised at the narrow range you put the age of the woman i...