Last seen: Mar 22, 2023
@mitryendra80 Hmm..interesting. Haha, a good Ve can intuitively navigate itself through death (read symbolically) if it wants to. 🙂
@amit Yes, thank you! that definitely helps. Its good in D40 in Ta, not great in D60 with Ke in Cn.
@amit Ve is in 6th for me. I never felt any woman was an enemy to me. The way it played out for me is that every woman I liked had a relationship o...
This question seems like me, lol. It isn't as bad. Turns out understanding Lajjitadi avasthas helps make sense of it. I dont have a swashta Ve, but...
I have Ra-Mo in Aq though. I am still not great in adapting but a very delighted Me at like almost 90 degree from Ra helps a lot. I needed Me maturati...
@ernst ; okay thanks for the clarification
Hi @ernst , I dont know if this was brought up earlier, but how do we treat the db planets ? For example: treat Me in 1st 15 degrees of Pisces same ...
@mona "some frustration when I don't understand right awa" - i sensed this too though i cant be certain. but i also observed some degree of healin...
@mona oh yes, Ke in 1st can do that totally
@mona This is very interesting to me. I wonder if that is how Ve in Me signs work. I have Ve in Ge, and Ve AK. I like neither small manual work nor...
Thank you for sharing; yup; can relate too. Ve in lagna is quite useful! I have never concentrated on outer planets. Dont have Ve in lagna, but as A...
@beatamanelle Nice, agitated might correlate to planets conjunct Su ? Haha, yes everything can be solved with a calm mind. 🙂 For Rahu, it could ...
@beatamanelle Hi, Haha, nice! worked on similar lines for me too; except authority part where I found there is truth in the now in my decisio...