Last seen: Mar 2, 2025
I think that this is when looking at the Jaimini Cara Karaka comes in extra handy. Examining the AmK gives a better clue as to the individual’s friend...
@manisha you can check out the predicting with transits course so you get the idea behind the concept. I don’t know if he goes over the accidents ther...
Especially the audio Jaimini course on the Svamsa.
To learn about the Cara Karakas, look into the Jaimini courses.
Look for aspects especially conjunction to the following factors: Venus, Mars, 4th cusp, 8th cusp or 6th cusp and Lords, and Uranus…you can also somet...
Marianela gave very good advice that I completely agree with. All stimulants are going to increase the frequency and intensity of panic attacks. Best ...
Congratulations, Scott!! Your website looks great! 🎉
Kala doesn’t show the foundational character yogas, those you just have to know. Kala shows the other types of yogas such as the important named yogas...
Hi George, It’s due to the closing out of a major collective cycle when Pluto moves into the next gate on the mandala wheel. It’s when the mutation...
@sickoftheworld why would an exalted Saturn in the 2nd deny children? Does the person want children? I assume so because otherwise why even question t...
@aisky thanks for your vote of confidence. My original intention for this group when I initiated the thread wasn’t to teach. The intention was to come...
@aisky yes, it’s a synthesis of different systems so it’s multilayered. Astrology, the IChing, the chakra system, the Kabbalah and it dives into PHS, ...
@aisky that’s an interesting idea. I’ll consider it. I would not know where to start…should I cover the basics?
@lorris there’s another chart. Forget I said anything about it. Let’s just focus on the regular body graph for now.
@lorris the red part is the design part and it’s calculated 88 degrees before birth. So around 88-89 days before birth. That means all planetary posit...