Strong aspects in respect to virupas, which is 40 or more out of 60.
I look for all of them and can also look at D7
These are not simple things that can be said, this does this, each of your question is a course of things that can cause these types of things. Its not a one thing does this, many many things can cause a person to think of sex all the time. Start by using the Marriage and Sexuality yogas in kala.
Any strong aspect, 40 plus is what I generally use.
as I said, I have not made a complete study of this topic. I just had a few principles I have found working at which at times I spoke about in a chart and when I did, they confirmed they were gay. Its not anyting I have ever researched or statistically tested. So I don't have the answers you are looking for, you will need to research this yourself.