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Astrological Techniques: Understanding Their Impact and Effectiveness

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Ernst Wilhelm
Posts: 3502
Joined: 12 years ago

Strong aspects in respect to virupas, which is 40 or more out of 60. 

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Posts: 20

@ernst Ah, I see. Thank you ernst for clarifying.

What a coincidence - I've just finished your book, Graha Sutras. It was one of my best reads!

May I inquire whether all the basic principles are required to be met, or is just one sufficient?

  1. Should both the Sun and the 10th house be influenced by Saturn, with neutral planets in the 1st house and same gender planets in the 7th house /or neuter + opposite gender planets in 7th house?

    Or would it be acceptable for any one of these conditions to be met—either Saturn influencing the Sun or the 10th house, or neutral planets positioned in the 1st house with same gender planets in the 7th house /or neuter + opposite gender in 7th house—to proceed?

  2. Should this be verified against multiple divisional charts or just one? If only one, which one should it be?

    Is there are specific signs or nakshatras of Saturn, Sun or Moon to consider?

Ernst Wilhelm
Posts: 3502
Joined: 12 years ago

I look for all of them and can also look at D7

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@ernst Is it correct to say that if certain yogas or factors are present in a chart, then the Saturn-Sun/Moon and 10th/4th factors should not be considered at all?

Just for better understanding. A sample chart:
[Tropical Rasis with Sidereal Nakshatras] :

This person has Saturn aspecting the Sun and the 10th with over 40 virupas, a neutral planet in the 1st house, and a male planet in the 7th house.

May I ask a 1-2 questions, please?

1. He is completely straight individual. Are there any factors in the chart, like something related to venus or other planetary factors - if present that mean we should totally ignore Saturn/Sun/10th factors? So, what would the relevant factor be in this chart?

2. From a young age, this person, he has a strong attraction to the opposite gender and is easily drawn to women, showing a clear weakness for them. He always has women on his mind. Which placement in the chart could be causing this?

Just for better understanding - I came across your post and noticed he had three factors matching. However, you clarified that these basic principles [satn aspect sun/moon - 10th/4th] alone don't reveal anything. So, I was just curious to know if there is any factor that, if present, would mean we should completely disregard the Satn aspects on Sun-Moon - 10th/4th factors - If could provide some insight using the chart above.

Ernst Wilhelm
Posts: 3502
Joined: 12 years ago

These are not simple things that can be said, this does this, each of your question is a course of things that can cause these types of things. Its not a one thing does this, many many things can cause a person to think of sex all the time. Start by using the Marriage and Sexuality yogas in kala. 

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Posts: 20

@ernst Just have two final questions for clarification. 🙏 I apologize for the inconvenience and thank you for your patience. I would like to clarify that my questions are intended solely for the purpose of ensuring accuracy and comprehensiveness in our discussion, not to be repetitive.

Got it. I’ll look into the marriage and other yogas in Kala.

May i inquire;

1. What to consider if there are no placements in the 1st and 7th houses? Would it be considered:

a. Neutral or opposite gender planet aspect to the 1st with over 40 virupas.

b. Same gender, or a combination of neutral + opposite gender planet, aspecting the 7th with over 40 virupas.

2. The person from my previous question is male heterosexual and has all three basic principle : Saturn aspects 10th & Sun, with a neutral planet in the 1st house and a male planet in the 7th. Is it correct to say that basic principles alone can't reveal or predict anything, and that other factors must be completely considered to make any meaningful conclusions? A simple 'Yes' or 'No' answer will help.

Because in one of your previous responses;

"I am sure that other factors will have to be pinpointed to decide when a person is certainly homosexual."

you mentioned "I'm sure," which seemed as if you're expressing a feeling not certainty, and this left me somewhat confused.

Ernst Wilhelm
Posts: 3502
Joined: 12 years ago

Any strong aspect, 40 plus is what I generally use. 

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Eminent Member
Posts: 20

@ernst I sincerely apologize for any confusion. It seems there might have been a mix-up with the responses, as the answer provided seems to pertain to a different query. Could you please review our last two communications? Thank you for your understanding.

This was your last response
Note: This reply was accidentally deleted;

@ts Yes, you can look at aspect as well. In respect to the person of question two with saturn aspecting 10th and sun, etc. There must be some factor that is preventing this person from being gay, so it's probably not that there is a gay factor missing, but something is there that is anchoring him as a non gay person. Please send the chart.

My last response;

@ernst Here's the chart;

1. Vikram's Chart Screenshot: (Tropical Rasis with Sidereal Nakshatras)

This individual has all three factors present. He is completely heterosexual.


Just a basic question to clarify your previous response? I'm still a bit unsure. Thank you!🙏

I've been delving deeply into this topic and just want to clear up this final confusion.

In you previous response you mentioned;

"There must be some factor that is preventing this person from being gay, so it's probably not that there is a gay factor missing, but something is there that is anchoring him as a non gay person."

I would like to ask if these three factors are sufficient to define something as a 'gay factor,' or do we need additional factors along with these three factors to define something as 'gay factor'? I'm still unclear about this.

"There must be some factor that is preventing this person from being gay, so it's probably not that there is a gay factor missing"- This line seems to indicate that you believe these three factors are considered sufficient for determining someone's homosexuality.

Because in one of yours previous answer, you mentioned that additional factors needed along with these 3 factors to certainly tell if a person is homosexual, but now it seems like you're pointing to just these 3 factors as 'gay factor'?

I'm looking forward to your insights to reach a clear final answer and I've already attached the screenshot of person's chart with date, time & place as well.

May I kindly request an answer to the question I have highlighted? Also attached the chart of the person as you mentioned.

Ernst Wilhelm
Posts: 3502
Joined: 12 years ago

as I said, I have not made a complete study of this topic. I just had a few principles I have found working at which at times I spoke about in a chart and when I did, they confirmed they were gay. Its not anyting I have ever researched or statistically tested. So I don't have the answers you are looking for, you will need to research this yourself.  

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