Hi Ernst and gang,
In the Lajjitaadi Master's course, @Ernst mentions at least twice that Venus rules the hormones. Prior to this amazing course, I listened to the equally amazing Anatomy and Nutrition audio course. In the latter, it's Jupiter that rules the endocrine system. The whole story of the endocrine system is based around Jupiter (though Venus plays an important role).
I feel stuck in a seeming contradition between who rules the hormone system overall: Venus or Jupiter? It may be a simple misunderstanding or my listening too closely (forest/trees)
Seeking clarification:
1. Which planet definitevely rules the endrocrine system? (In the context of the system of judgement from the Anatomy and Nutrition course)
2. If Jupiter is the endrocrine system: When we hear that Venus is involved with or rules hormones, how should we "hear" this? (Should we really hear the gonads, rather than the whole endocrine system?)
3. If Venus is the endocrine system: What approach would be good to re-structure our assessment of the organ systems?
Thank you very much!
Hi, Jupiter definitely rules the endocrine and reproductive systems. Venus rules the digestive system.
Ernst might mean that Venus rules over all hormones, as a group of chemical messengers. Since Venus is exalted in a Jupiter sign, it makes sense.
VE is a planet of change and our hormones constantly change throughout the day, to worldly stimuli, and also to food, ruled by Venus.
Each individual hormone might be ruled by different planets, but I haven't studied that far into medical astrology.
I bring up this question again. I´m listening to the Character effects of the grahas course, and bounced at hearing you (Ernst) clearly saying that "Venus represents the hormonal system." (Rec 1, 23 minutes)
Hormonal = endocrine system, right? So from that statement one would deduce that it´s Venus and not Jupiter that rules the system.
Asking for clarification.
Jupiter rules the endocrine system. YOu will find that people with a troubled Jupiter will easily fall into hypo or hyper thyroid, woman will have menopause early, etc. For example, one client has venus exalted in first and a totally trashed double shamed in the 8th house and starved by Venus Jupiter and they went into menopause early.
Venus plays a crucial role and troubled venus or venus signs seems to contribute to hormonal inbalances. Hormones are constantly balancing the system based on external influences. A troubled venus has a bad relationship with the external and so the endocrine system gets much more strained than it would otherwise. So Jupiter is the endocrine system, but the perceived stress that the endocrine system has to adjust to, is Venus.