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Aquarius Lagna with potential Venus and Rahu Yoga Karakas

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I'm wrestling with this chart where we have Venus in Scorpio in the 10th house with Rahu (Venus ruling Ketu in the 4th house). Venus has very little value, I'm guessing because of the Scorpio position? It has no Full aspects with a sextile to Jupiter in the 8th (rules the 11th), and Mercury in the 12th.  Moon and Mars in Aries has the Moon aspecting Venus from 8 houses away but that's 3/4 of an aspect - not a full aspect. I suppose with such as weak Venus to start out with, a Yoga Karaka here would be no big deal but wondering with the Rahu Yoga Karaka involved, if that changes things?  Linking to the chart

3 Replies
Ernst Wilhelm
Posts: 3502
Joined: 12 years ago

Venus in the 10th will be a raja yoga planet. Soyou can count on that part. Because it joins rahu in an angle as a trine lord, Rahu also becomes a yoga karaka planet. Then you can quantify these planets based on the ishta, dig and subha points as shown in the Parashara's formula for yoga judgment. 

so thats the yoga part, and its a good aspect of the planet. 

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Thanks Ernst. It's the points that are so low that makes me wonder if this is meaningless or not.  Let me rephrase - with the positive points so low and the negative points so high, what would it do to these yogas? 

Ernst Wilhelm
Posts: 3502
Joined: 12 years ago

The points just mean the yoga is not that powerful. BUT, its still a yoga and nothing will take that away. Points are usually low in yogas which is why everyone with them is not really having any serious power, not really a king. But that planet is still what gives them success in their world. 
