Last seen: Mar 12, 2025
@ernst Can a retrograde Me or Ve, when close in zodiacal degrees to the Sun, still be combust/asta? Meaning, one still can't see Me or Ve in the sky?
@lorris yes, I have consistently found same lord conjunction with shamed planets (with the nodes) to produce. I believe that has a big say with thi...
@ernst Seems to me that both the Parivritti way of calculating some of the vargas and the other way for the vargas such as the D3 and D10 are all v...
@ernst, Can you elaborate on how the time based lagnas (Hora, Bhava and Ghatika) can be used other than the Jaimini yogodas? Thanks.
In your example with Sun in Libra and Venus in Virgo: if Venus is on an angle from the Lagna or Moon, then it will still cause Neechabhanga raj yoga i...
@staffan The IxSxSD & KxAxAD points.
@marianela For Gemini rising, Sun is evil lord by ruling 3rd. If the (-) points that the Su produces outweighs what Me has, then Me doesn't produce...
I have found people with all planets with low digbala to have a delay in their life path. Meaning, they tend take more time to get on track to where t...
@jam1 Yes, I am inclined to do so too.
@jam1 yes, that is what Kala has. Eagle and the lark has the beginning eclipse of the series from April 1st, 1718.
@ernst For the lord of the Nakshatra in Muhurta, do you still look at the lord of the nakshatra even though that only pertains to vimshottari?
@amit Yeah I know, both have raj yogas being activated in subdasas. Trumps is stronger. But raj yogas don't necessarily mean 'winning'. But Trumps ...